IC 31-33-11
Chapter 11. Duty of Hospital Not to Release Child Who Is Subject
of Child Abuse or Neglect Report
IC 31-33-11-1
Conditions for release of child under investigation for abuse or
neglect; expenses of extended hospital stay
Sec. 1. (a) Whenever:
(1) a child is subject to assessment by the department for
reported child abuse or neglect;
(2) the child is a patient in a hospital; and
(3) the hospital has reported or has been informed of the report
and assessment;
the hospital may not release the child to the child's parent, guardian,
custodian, or to a court approved placement until the hospital
receives authorization or a copy of a court order from the department
indicating that the child may be released to the child's parent,
guardian, custodian, or court approved placement.
(b) If the authorization that is granted under this section is verbal,
the department shall send a letter to the hospital confirming that the
department has granted authorization for the child's release.
(c) The individual or third party payor responsible financially for
the hospital stay of the child remains responsible for any extended
stay under this section. If no party is responsible for the extended
stay, the department shall pay the expenses of the extended hospital
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.16. Amended by P.L.234-2005,
SEC.133; P.L.131-2009, SEC.51.