IC 31-37-2
Chapter 2. Delinquent Children Who Commit Certain Other Acts
and Who Need Care, Treatment, or Rehabilitation
IC 31-37-2-1
Delinquent child defined
Sec. 1. A child is a delinquent child if, before becoming eighteen
(18) years of age, the child:
(1) commits a delinquent act described in this chapter; and
(2) needs care, treatment, or rehabilitation that:
(A) the child is not receiving;
(B) the child is unlikely to accept voluntarily; and
(C) is unlikely to be provided or accepted without the
coercive intervention of the court.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20.
IC 31-37-2-2
Delinquent act; leaving home without permission of parent,
guardian, or custodian
Sec. 2. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child leaves home:
(1) without reasonable cause; and
(2) without permission of the parent, guardian, or custodian,
who requests the child's return.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20.
IC 31-37-2-3
Delinquent act; violation of compulsory school attendance law
Sec. 3. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child violates IC 20-33-2 concerning
compulsory school attendance.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.1-2005, SEC.209.
IC 31-37-2-4
Delinquent act; habitual disobedience of parent, guardian, or
Sec. 4. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child habitually disobeys the
reasonable and lawful commands of the child's parent, guardian, or
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20.
IC 31-37-2-5
Delinquent act; curfew violation
Sec. 5. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child commits a curfew violation
under IC 31-37-3.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20.
IC 31-37-2-6
Delinquent act; violation concerning minors and alcoholic
Sec. 6. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child violates IC 7.1-5-7 concerning
minors and alcoholic beverages.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.20.
IC 31-37-2-7
Delinquent act; fireworks violation
Sec. 7. A child commits a delinquent act if, before becoming
eighteen (18) years of age, the child violates IC 22-11-14-6(c)
concerning minors and fireworks.
As added by P.L.187-2006, SEC.16.