IC 32-26-3
Chapter 3. Recording Agreements to Erect and Repair Fences
IC 32-26-3-1
Fencing agreements not provided by law
Sec. 1. Adjoining property owners who elect to erect, repair,
maintain, or pay for fences separating their lands in a manner other
than that set forth under this article shall do so by written agreement.
When the agreement is signed by the adjoining property owners, the
agreement must be recorded in the office of the recorder in the
county or counties in which the adjoining properties are situated.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.11.
IC 32-26-3-2
Existing rights safeguarded
Sec. 2. This chapter may not be held or construed as annulling or
abrogating any subsisting legal right created under or any cause of
action that arose and was fully accrued under any law or agreement
if the legal right became effective before January 1, 1950.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.11.