IC 32-29-2
Chapter 2. Recording of Assignment
IC 32-29-2-1
Written transfer or assignment; acknowledgment and recording
Sec. 1. A person who transfers or assigns a mortgage within
Indiana shall do so in writing by:
(1) noting the assignment or transfer on the record recording the
mortgage; or
(2) separate written instrument.
A person who transfers or assigns a mortgage as described in this
section shall cause the notation or written instrument to be
acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments
of the execution of mortgages.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.14.
IC 32-29-2-2
Written transfer or assignment; location and business address of
transferee or assignee required
Sec. 2. In order to be recorded, a written instrument that transfers
or assigns a mortgage under this chapter must state the location and
business address of the person to whom the mortgage is transferred
or assigned.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.14.