IC 33-24-8
Chapter 8. Supreme Court Fees
IC 33-24-8-1
Taxing fees and charging amounts; accounting; report of
uncollected fees
Sec. 1. (a) The clerk of the supreme court, for the clerk's services,
shall, upon proper books to be kept in the clerk's office for that
purpose, tax the fees and charge the amounts specified in this
chapter. The fees and amounts belong to and are the property of the
(b) On March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of
each year, the clerk shall:
(1) make and file with the auditor of state a verified account of
all fees and amounts collected during the preceding three (3)
(2) pay the amount shown to be due the state to the treasurer of
state; and
(3) file with the treasurer of state a verified report of
uncollected fees and amounts due the state of Indiana accruing
in cases disposed of during that quarter.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.
IC 33-24-8-2
Filing fee for supreme court and court of appeals
Sec. 2. The clerk of the supreme court shall tax and charge a fee
of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) in each cause filed in either the
supreme court or the court of appeals.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.
IC 33-24-8-3
Fee bills
Sec. 3. The clerk of the supreme court may, at any time after the
services are rendered, issue fee bills under IC 33-37-4-10 for services
rendered by the clerk or by another person in the court.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.
IC 33-24-8-4
Fees charged and collected; contracts; exceptions
Sec. 4. (a) The clerk of the supreme court shall charge the
following fees:
(1) For making record and certificate of admission of attorneys
to practice before the supreme court, a fee of two dollars ($2).
(2) For making and furnishing to any person, firm, limited
liability company, or corporation unauthenticated copies of the
opinions of the supreme court and the court of appeals for the
purpose of publication by the person, firm, limited liability
company, or corporation obtaining the copies, if a contract has
been made by the clerk with the person, firm, limited liability
company, or corporation to furnish the copies for at least one
(1) year, a fee of two thousand eight hundred twenty-five
dollars ($2,825) per year, to be paid quarterly in advance.
(b) The clerk of the supreme court may make a contract described
in subsection (a).
(c) This section does not prohibit proprietors of newspapers from
copying opinions of the supreme court and the court of appeals or
from making abstracts of these opinions for publication in the
(d) For all other unauthenticated copies of the opinions of the
supreme court and the court of appeals furnished by the clerk of the
supreme court to any person, firm, limited liability company, or
corporation, the clerk shall charge one dollar ($1) per page.
(e) The fees and amounts charged under this section shall be
deposited by the clerk of the supreme court into the state general
fund in the manner and at the time provided for the making of the
quarterly reports of other collected fees due the state.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.
IC 33-24-8-5
Contents of quarterly report; special reports
Sec. 5. The quarterly report required to be made by the clerk of
the supreme court under section 1 of this chapter must show the
number and title of the cause and the amount due the state. The clerk
is not required to make any other or different reports, except special
reports on the order of the supreme court or the court of appeals, or
the written request of the governor or auditor of state.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.
IC 33-24-8-6
Taxation of sheriffs' fees; transmittal of books, papers, fees, and
property to successor; disposition of unclaimed fees
Sec. 6. (a) The clerk of the supreme court shall tax and charge in
favor of the sheriff of the supreme court, or in favor of county
sheriffs for their services as the deputies of the sheriff of the supreme
court, the fees and amounts provided by law. The fees and amounts
described in this subsection do not belong to the state but are the
property of the sheriff of the supreme court and the sheriff's agents.
When the fees are collected, the fees shall be paid over to the sheriff
or the sheriff's agents.
(b) The clerk of the supreme court at the expiration of the clerk's
term shall hand over to the clerk's successor in office all of the
books, papers, fees, costs, charges, and amounts, together with all
money and other property received by the clerk by virtue of the
clerk's office or under color of that office.
(c) The attorney general shall enforce the collection, for the use
and benefit of the party entitled to them, all fees and amounts
collected and retained by the person, including penalties, against any
persons liable for the fees and amounts. All unclaimed fees collected
under this chapter from former clerks that have been paid in for two
(2) years and remain in the office of the clerk of the supreme court
for six (6) months uncollected by the person to whom the fees are
due, and all other unclaimed fees in the hands of the clerk of the
supreme court, after the expiration of two (2) years from the date
when the fees are paid to the clerk, shall be paid into the state
treasury, to be held as other funds that escheat to the state. The clerk
of the supreme court, when fees are paid into the office of the clerk
for the benefit of any other officer or person, shall immediately
notify that officer or person by mail that the fees have been paid, the
date of payment, and the amount of the payment.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.3.