IC 33-35-4
Chapter 4. Court Sessions; Compensation; Restrictions on
Activities of Judges
IC 33-35-4-1
City and town court; sessions
Sec. 1. (a) A city court judge shall hold regular sessions of the city
court at a place to be provided and designated by the legislative body
of the city.
(b) A town court judge shall hold sessions of the town court as the
business of the court demands at a place to be provided and
designated by the legislative body of the town.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.14.
IC 33-35-4-2
Compensation of judges
Sec. 2. (a) Special judges of a city court are entitled to the
compensation allowed special judges in the circuit court, to be paid
out of the city treasury on the certificate of the regular judge and the
warrant of the city controller or clerk-treasurer.
(b) A city court judge may not receive any fees or compensation
other than the judge's salary, as established under subsection (e).
(c) A city court judge of each of the three (3) cities having the
largest populations in a county having a population of more than four
hundred thousand (400,000) but less than seven hundred thousand
(700,000) is entitled to receive, for additional services that this
article requires to be performed, three thousand five hundred dollars
($3,500) per year in addition to the salary otherwise provided. The
fiscal body of the city shall appropriate the money necessary to pay
the additional compensation.
(d) A town court judge is entitled to receive the compensation that
is prescribed by the fiscal body of the town.
(e) A city court judge is entitled to receive compensation that is
prescribed by the fiscal body of the city.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.14.
IC 33-35-4-3
Proceeding to procure liquor license; city court judge not to act as
attorney for applicant; violation; offense
Sec. 3. A city court judge may not act as attorney, agent, or
counsel for the applicant in a proceeding to procure a license to retail
or wholesale intoxicating liquors under IC 7.1 or aid or assist in any
manner in the procuring of such a license. A person who recklessly
violates this section commits a Class B misdemeanor.
As added by P.L.98-2004, SEC.14.