IC 34-10
IC 34-10-1
Chapter 1. Proceeding as an Indigent Person
IC 34-10-1-1
Application for leave to prosecute or defend as an indigent person
Sec. 1. An indigent person who does not have sufficient means to
prosecute or defend an action may apply to the court in which the
action is intended to be brought, or is pending, for leave to prosecute
or defend as an indigent person.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.5.
IC 34-10-1-2
Assignment of attorney
Sec. 2. (a) This section may not be construed to prohibit a court
from participating in a pro bono legal services program or other
program that provides legal services to litigants:
(1) without charge; or
(2) at a reduced fee.
(b) If the court is satisfied that a person who makes an application
described in section 1 of this chapter does not have sufficient means
to prosecute or defend the action, the court:
(1) shall admit the applicant to prosecute or defend as an
indigent person; and
(2) may, under exceptional circumstances, assign an attorney to
defend or prosecute the cause.
(c) The factors that a court may consider under subsection (b)(2)
include the following:
(1) The likelihood of the applicant prevailing on the merits of
the applicant's claim or defense.
(2) The applicant's ability to investigate and present the
applicant's claims or defenses without an attorney, given the
type and complexity of the facts and legal issues in the action.
(d) The court shall deny an application made under section 1 of
this chapter if the court determines any of the following:
(1) The applicant failed to make a diligent effort to obtain an
attorney before filing the application.
(2) The applicant is unlikely to prevail on the applicant's claim
or defense.
(e) All officers required to prosecute or defend the action shall do
their duty in the case without taking any fee or reward from the
indigent person.
(f) The reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of an attorney
appointed to represent an applicant under section 1 of this chapter
shall be paid from the money appropriated to the court:
(1) appointing the attorney, if the action was not transferred to
another county; or
(2) from which the action was transferred, if the action was
transferred to another county.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.125-2002, SEC.1.
IC 34-10-1-3
Filing of claim by an offender with three prior actions dismissed as
frivolous; exception
Sec. 3. If an offender has filed at least three (3) civil actions in
which a state court has dismissed the action or a claim under
IC 34-58-1-2, the offender may not file a new complaint or petition
as an indigent person under this chapter, unless a court determines
the offender is in immediate danger of serious bodily injury.
As added by P.L.128-2009, SEC.1.