IC 34-13-4
Chapter 4. Civil Rights Claims Against Public Employees
IC 34-13-4-1
Personal civil liability under civil rights laws of employee acting
within scope of employment
Sec. 1. If a present or former public employee, including a
member of a board, a committee, a commission, an authority, or
another instrumentality of a governmental entity, is or could be
subject to personal civil liability for a loss occurring because of a
noncriminal act or omission within the scope of the public
employee's employment which violates the civil rights laws of the
United States, the governmental entity (when the governmental entity
defends or has the opportunity to defend the public employee) shall,
subject to IC 34-13-3-4, IC 34-13-3-14, IC 34-13-3-15, and
IC 34-13-3-16, pay:
(1) any judgment (other than for punitive damages) of the claim
or suit; or
(2) any judgment for punitive damages, compromise, or
settlement of the claim or suit if:
(A) the governor, in the case of a claim or suit against a state
employee; or
(B) the governing body of the political subdivision, in the
case of a claim or suit against an employee of a political
determines that paying the judgment for punitive damages,
compromise, or settlement is in the best interest of the governmental
entity. The governmental entity shall also pay all costs and fees
incurred by or on behalf of a public employee in defense of the claim
or suit.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.192-2001, SEC.4;
P.L.161-2003, SEC.8.
IC 34-13-4-2
Defending state employee for claims or suits arising under civil
rights laws
Sec. 2. If requested to do so, the attorney general shall defend a
present or former state employee against a claim or suit under section
1 of this chapter. The attorney general may employ other counsel to
aid in defending or settling the claim or suit.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.8.
IC 34-13-4-3
Chapter as not waiving eleventh amendment
Sec. 3. This chapter shall not be construed as:
(1) a waiver of the eleventh amendment to the Constitution of
the United States;
(2) consent by the state of Indiana or its employees to be sued
in any federal court; or
(3) consent to be sued in any state court beyond the boundaries
of Indiana.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.8.
IC 34-13-4-4
Attorney's fees; allowance to governmental entity; action for abuse
of process
Sec. 4. In any action brought against a governmental entity under
civil rights laws of the United States, the court may allow attorney's
fees as part of the costs to the governmental entity prevailing as
defendant if it finds that plaintiff:
(1) brought the action on a claim that is frivolous, unreasonable,
or groundless;
(2) continued to litigate the action after plaintiff's claim clearly
became frivolous, unreasonable, or groundless; or
(3) litigated its action in bad faith.
This award of fees does not prevent a governmental entity from
bringing an action against the plaintiff for abuse of process arising
in whole or in part on the same facts, but the defendant may not
recover attorney's fees twice.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.8.