IC 34-17
IC 34-17-1
Chapter 1. Cases in Which an Information May Be Filed
IC 34-17-1-1
Information; when filing allowed
Sec. 1. An information may be filed against any person or
corporation in the following cases:
(1) When a person usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or
exercises a public office or a franchise within Indiana or an
office in a corporation created by the authority of this state.
(2) Whenever a public officer does or allows an act which, by
law, works a forfeiture of the officer's office.
(3) When an association or number of persons acts within
Indiana as a corporation, without being legally incorporated.
(4) When a corporation does or omits acts that amount to a
surrender or forfeiture of its rights and privileges as a
(5) When a corporate franchise was procured through fraud
practiced upon the state.
(6) When a corporation:
(A) exceeds or abuses the authority conferred upon the
corporation by law; or
(B) exercises authority not conferred upon it by law.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.12.
IC 34-17-1-2
Annulment or vacation of certain documents
Sec. 2. An information may be prosecuted to annul or vacate any
letters-patent, certificate, or deed granted by the proper authorities of
Indiana when there is reason to believe that:
(1) the letters, deed, or certificate was obtained by fraud or
through mistake or ignorance of a material fact; or
(2) the patentee or those claiming under the patentee:
(A) have done or omitted an act in violation of the terms on
which the letters, deed, or certificate was granted; or
(B) have by any other means forfeited the interest acquired
under the letters, deed, or certificate.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.12.
IC 34-17-1-3
Escheat or forfeiture of property to state
Sec. 3. Whenever property escheats or is forfeited to the state for
the state's use, the legal title is considered to be in the state from the
time of the escheat or forfeiture. An information may be filed in
accordance with IC 34-17-2-3 to recover the property.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.12.