IC 35-45-20
Chapter 20. Dispensing Contact Lenses Without a Prescription
IC 35-45-20-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "prescription" means a written or
electronically transmitted contact lens prescription or order that:
(1) is issued by an optometrist licensed under IC 25-24 or a
physician licensed under IC 25-22.5; and
(2) was issued within the previous year.
As added by P.L.49-2009, SEC.1.
IC 35-45-20-2
Unlawful contact lens dispensing
Sec. 2. A person who dispenses a contact lens, including a contact
lens without corrective power, to an individual who does not have a
prescription for the contact lens being dispensed commits a Class A
As added by P.L.49-2009, SEC.1.