IC 36-7-24
Chapter 24. Multiple County Juvenile Facility Authorities
IC 36-7-24-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "authority" refers to a multiple
county juvenile facility authority established under this chapter.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-2
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "board" refers to the board of
directors of an authority.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-3
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "facility" refers to the following:
(1) A secure facility for juveniles (as defined in IC 31-9-2-115).
(2) A shelter care facility for juveniles (as defined in
IC 31-9-2-117).
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.1-1997,
SEC.155; P.L.1-2009, SEC.167.
IC 36-7-24-4
Multiple county juvenile facility authority; establishment
Sec. 4. (a) A multiple county juvenile facility authority may be
established under this chapter by:
(1) ordinance of the fiscal body of each county participating in
the authority; and
(2) ordinance of the executive of each county participating in
the authority.
(b) An agreement to establish an authority must include the
(1) More than one (1) county as a participant.
(2) A formula to determine the amount of money to be
contributed to the authority by each county participating in the
(3) Provisions concerning the construction of a facility or the
operation and maintenance of a facility, or both, by the
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-5
Public body; exercise of powers
Sec. 5. An authority is a public body corporate and politic. The
exercise of an authority's powers is an essential governmental
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-6
Board of directors; membership; chairman; executive director
Sec. 6. (a) The powers of an authority are vested in a board of
directors of the authority. The board consists of the following
(1) The county executive of each county participating in the
authority, or the county executive's designee.
(2) A juvenile court judge of each county participating in the
authority. However, if a county participating in the authority
does not have a juvenile court judge, the circuit court judge of
the county is a member of the board.
(3) A member of the county fiscal body of each county
participating in the authority, or the member's designee.
(b) The members of the board shall select a member to be the
chairman of the board.
(c) An authority may select an executive director by a majority
vote of the members of the board.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-7
Quorum; majority vote
Sec. 7. A majority of the members of a board constitutes a quorum
for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of
the board is necessary for an action to be taken by the board.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-8
Eminent domain
Sec. 8. With the approval of the executive of the county affected,
an authority may exercise the power of eminent domain under
IC 32-24-1.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-2002,
IC 36-7-24-9
Powers of authority
Sec. 9. Subject to the terms of the original agreement under
section 4 of this chapter, an authority may do the following:
(1) Adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws for the conduct of the
authority's business.
(2) Accept gifts and grants.
(3) Enter into contracts.
(4) Sue and be sued.
(5) Acquire, own, sell, convey, lease, or transfer property.
(6) Cooperate with a public or private organization to carry out
the purposes of the authority.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-10
Operation and maintenance of facilities
Sec. 10. An authority may construct, purchase, lease, or pay
operation and maintenance costs of a facility.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.
IC 36-7-24-11
Leases of facilities; establishment of authority
Sec. 11. A county that is a lessor of a facility or a part of a facility
may establish an authority under section 4 of this chapter with a
county that is a lessee of a facility or a part of a facility.
As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1.