IC 36-8-13.5
Chapter 13.5. Township Fire Department Employment Policies
IC 36-8-13.5-1
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all townships except a township in
which the fire department of the township has been consolidated
under IC 36-3-1-6.1.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-2
Inapplicable to volunteer fire department
Sec. 2. This chapter does not apply to a volunteer fire department
under IC 36-8-12.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-3
"Member of a township fire department"
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "member of a township fire
department" does not include a volunteer firefighter under
IC 36-8-12-2.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-4
Residency within county or contiguous county
Sec. 4. A member of a township fire department must reside in
Indiana within:
(1) the county in which the township is located; or
(2) a county that is contiguous to the county in which the
township is located.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-5
Township with a population of less than 7,500; resolution requiring
residency within county or a certain distance from township
Sec. 5. A township with a population of less than seven thousand
five hundred (7,500) may adopt a resolution that requires a member
of the township fire department to satisfy all of the following:
(1) Reside within:
(A) the county in which the township is located; or
(B) a distance from the township stated in the resolution.
(2) Have adequate means of transportation into the township.
(3) Maintain in the member's residence telephone service with
the township.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-6
Township with a population of less than 7,500; resolution requiring
residency within the township for five years
Sec. 6. This section applies to a township that:
(1) has a population of less than seven thousand five hundred
(7,500); and
(2) adopted a resolution to establish the requirements described
in this section before September 1, 1984.
A township may require, in addition to the requirements of section
5 of this chapter, that a member of the township fire department
reside within the township until the member has served in the
department for five (5) years.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.
IC 36-8-13.5-7
Township with a population of less than 7,500; exemption for members
not in compliance on date resolution adopted
Sec. 7. A resolution adopted under section 5 or 6 of this chapter
may not require a member of a township fire department to comply
with section 5(1) of this chapter if the member resides:
(1) outside the county; or
(2) a distance outside the township greater than stated in the
on the date the resolution is adopted.
As added by P.L.65-2008, SEC.4.