IC 36-8-17.5
Chapter 17.5. Pre-Planning Inspections
IC 36-8-17.5-1
"Fire department" defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "fire department" has the meaning
set forth in IC 36-8-17-2.
As added by P.L.20-1999, SEC.1.
IC 36-8-17.5-2
"Pre-planning inspection" defined
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "pre-planning inspection" means
an inspection of a Class 1 structure (as defined in IC 22-12-1-4) in a
place or public way performed by the fire department to determine
firefighting strategies necessary to minimize the hazard to
firefighters responding to any fire or explosion at the structure,
(1) identifying the structural components, contents, and
operations, including:
(A) floor plans; and
(B) the location of:
(i) employees;
(ii) fire alarm and suppression systems;
(iii) entrances and exits; and
(iv) utilities; and
(2) identifying and locating hazardous materials.
As added by P.L.20-1999, SEC.1.
IC 36-8-17.5-3
Places subject to inspections
Sec. 3. A fire department may make a pre-planning inspection of
every place and public way within the jurisdiction of the political
subdivision that the fire department serves, except the interiors of
private dwellings, for the purpose of advising the fire department on
issues affecting a fire suppression response.
As added by P.L.20-1999, SEC.1.
IC 36-8-17.5-4
Access for inspections
Sec. 4. (a) A fire department shall be allowed entry and access to
every place or public way within the jurisdiction of the political
subdivision that the fire department serves, except the interiors of
private dwellings, for the purpose of making a pre-planning
inspection under this chapter.
(b) A fire department shall notify the occupant or owner of a
Class 1 structure seven (7) days in advance of performing a
pre-planning inspection. The notification may be oral or in writing.
As added by P.L.20-1999, SEC.1.