IC 4-12-12
Chapter 12. State Technology Advancement and Retention
(STAR) Account
IC 4-12-12-1
Account established; purpose
Sec. 1. The state technology advancement and retention (STAR)
account is established within the state general fund. The purpose of
the account is to provide funding for programs within Indiana that
are designed to:
(1) advance and retain technology related enterprises within
Indiana; and
(2) train and retain students with an emphasis on technology.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.
IC 4-12-12-2
Budget agency; administration of account
Sec. 2. The budget agency shall administer the STAR account.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.
IC 4-12-12-3
Components of account
Sec. 3. The account consists of money, including federal money,
appropriated to the account by the general assembly and gifts and
grants to the account. An appropriation, a gift, or a grant may be
designated for one (1) or more purposes listed in section 6 of this
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.
IC 4-12-12-4
Investment of account
Sec. 4. The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the account
not currently needed to meet the obligations of the account in the
same manner as other public funds may be invested.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.
IC 4-12-12-5
Reversion of account
Sec. 5. Money in the account at the end of a state fiscal year
reverts to the state general fund.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.
IC 4-12-12-6
Dedicated uses of account
Sec. 6. Money in the account that is not otherwise designated
under section 3 of this chapter is annually dedicated to the following:
(1) The certified school to career program and grants under
IC 22-4.1-8.
(2) The certified internship program and grants under
IC 22-4.1-7.
(3) The Indiana economic development partnership fund under
IC 4-12-10.
(4) Minority training program grants under IC 22-4-18.1-11.
(5) Technology apprenticeship grants under IC 20-20-32.
(6) The back home in Indiana program under IC 22-4-18.1-12.
(7) The Indiana schools smart partnership under IC 22-4.1-9.
(8) The scientific instrument project within the department of
(9) The coal technology research fund under IC 21-47-4-5.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.1-2005, SEC.59;
P.L.2-2007, SEC.32.
IC 4-12-12-7
Expenses of administering account
Sec. 7. Expenses for administering the account or any of the
programs funded from the account may be taken from the account
but may not exceed two percent (2%) of the balance in the account.
The budget agency must approve administrative expenses taken from
the account.
As added by P.L.96-2004, SEC.17.