IC 4-3-21
Chapter 21. Military Base Planning Council
IC 4-3-21-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "council" refers to the military
base planning council established by section 3 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-2
"Military base"
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "military base" means a United
States or an Indiana government military installation that:
(1) has an area of at least sixty thousand (60,000) acres and is
used for the design, construction, maintenance, and testing of
electronic devices and ordnance;
(2) has an area of at least nine hundred (900) acres and serves
as an urban training center for military units, civilian personnel,
and first responders; or
(3) has an area of at least five thousand (5,000) acres and serves
as a joint training center for active and reserve components of
the armed forces of the United States.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.180-2006, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-3
Council established
Sec. 3. The military base planning council is established.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-4
Council membership
Sec. 4. The council consists of the following members:
(1) Each member of the house of representatives whose house
district includes all or part of a county that contains any part of
a military base.
(2) Each member of the senate whose senate district includes all
or part of a county that contains any part of a military base.
(3) The lieutenant governor or the lieutenant governor's
(4) The adjutant general or the adjutant general's designee.
(5) The commissioner of the department of environmental
management or the commissioner's designee.
(6) The commissioner of the Indiana department of
transportation or the commissioner's designee.
(7) The executive director of the department of homeland
security or the executive director's designee.
(8) The commissioner of the department of workforce
development or the commissioner's designee.
(9) The president of the Indiana economic development
corporation or the president's designee.
(10) The director of the office of energy and defense
(11) The following local government representatives:
(A) One (1) member of the county executive of each county
that contains all or part of a military base, appointed by the
county executive.
(B) One (1) member of the county fiscal body of each county
that contains all or part of a military base, appointed by the
county fiscal body.
(C) One (1) member:
(i) who is the executive of the municipality having the
largest population in each county that contains all or part
of a military base if that municipality is a city; or
(ii) who is appointed from the membership of the fiscal
body of that town, if a town is the municipality having the
largest population in the county.
(D) One (1) member of the legislative body of the
municipality having the largest population in each county
that contains a military base, appointed by the legislative
body of that municipality.
(E) One (1) member of the county executive of each county
listed in IC 36-7-30.5-10(4) through IC 36-7-30.5-10(6),
appointed by the county executive.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.180-2006, SEC.2.
IC 4-3-21-5
Council per diem and travel expenses
Sec. 5. (a) Each member of the council who is not a state
employee is not entitled to the minimum salary per diem provided by
IC 4-10-11-2.1(b). The member is, however, entitled to
reimbursement for traveling expenses as provided under IC 4-13-1-4
and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the member's
duties as provided in the state policies and procedures established by
the Indiana department of administration and approved by the budget
(b) Each member of the council who is a state employee but who
is not a member of the general assembly is entitled to reimbursement
for traveling expenses as provided under IC 4-13-1-4 and other
expenses actually incurred in connection with the member's duties as
provided in the state policies and procedures established by the
Indiana department of administration and approved by the budget
(c) Each member of the council who is a member of the general
assembly is entitled to receive the same per diem, mileage, and travel
allowances paid to legislative members of interim study committees
established by the legislative council. Per diem, mileage, and travel
allowances paid under this subsection shall be paid from
appropriations made to the legislative council or the legislative
services agency.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-6
Council chairperson
Sec. 6. The governor shall designate a member of the council to
serve as chairperson of the council.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-7
Council meetings
Sec. 7. The council shall meet at the call of the chairperson.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-8
Council staff
Sec. 8. The governor shall provide staff assistance as the council
may require.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-9
Legislators; nonvoting members
Sec. 9. A member of the council who is a member of the general
assembly is a nonvoting member.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-10
Council action
Sec. 10. The affirmative votes of a majority of the voting
members of the council are required for the council to take action on
any measure, including reports required in section 12 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-11
Council duties
Sec. 11. The council shall do the following:
(1) Identify the public infrastructure and other community
support necessary:
(A) to improve mission efficiencies; and
(B) for the development and expansion;
of military bases in Indiana.
(2) Identify existing and potential impacts of encroachment on
military bases in Indiana.
(3) Identify potential state and local government actions that
(A) minimize the impacts of encroachment on; and
(B) enhance the long term potential of;
military bases.
(4) Identify opportunities for collaboration among:
(A) the state, including the military department of the state;
(B) political subdivisions;
(C) military contractors; and
(D) academic institutions;
to enhance the economic potential of military bases and the
economic benefits of military bases to the state.
(5) Review state policies, including funding and legislation, to
identify actions necessary to prepare for the United States
Department of Defense Efficient Facilities Initiative scheduled
to begin in 2005.
(6) Study how governmental entities outside Indiana have
addressed issues regarding encroachment and partnership
formation described in this section.
(7) With respect to a multicounty federal military base under
IC 36-7-30.5:
(A) vote to require the establishment of the development
authority under IC 36-7-30.5, if necessary; and
(B) advise and submit recommendations to a development
authority board appointed under IC 36-7-30.5.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.203-2005, SEC.1.
IC 4-3-21-12
Council report
Sec. 12. The council shall submit a report to the:
(1) governor; and
(2) legislative services agency;
not later than July 1 of each year. The report submitted to the
legislative services agency must be in an electronic format under
IC 5-14-6.
As added by P.L.5-2005, SEC.1.