IC 4-31-5.5
Chapter 5.5. Satellite Facilities
IC 4-31-5.5-1
Legislative intent
Sec. 1. In enacting this chapter, it is the intent of the general
assembly to do the following:
(1) Promote and encourage the development of the horse racing
industry in Indiana.
(2) Provide for the establishment of satellite facilities that do
not solely provide for wagering, but instead include amenities
such as quality restaurants and quality handicapping facilities,
so that all or part of the satellite facility will resemble the
clubhouse facilities of a racetrack.
(3) Offer the potential for the additional creation of jobs, not
only in the racing and wagering industry, but also in areas of
employment such as parking attendants, waiters and waitresses,
security guards, custodial workers, and food service personnel.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18.
IC 4-31-5.5-2
Sec. 2. A permit holder or group of permit holders may apply to
the commission for a satellite facility license. The commission may
issue a satellite facility license to a permit holder or group of permit
holders that meets the intent and the requirements of this chapter and
the rules adopted by the commission to operate satellite facilities.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18.
IC 4-31-5.5-3
Licensing conditions
Sec. 3. (a) As used in this section, "live racing day" means a day
on which at least eight (8) live horse races are conducted.
(b) The commission's authority to issue satellite facility licenses
is subject to the following conditions:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (c), the commission may
issue four (4) satellite facility licenses to each permit holder
that meets the other requirements of this chapter and the rules
adopted under this chapter.
(2) Each proposed satellite facility must be covered by a
separate application. The timing for filing an initial application
for a satellite facility license shall be established by the rules of
the commission.
(3) A satellite facility must:
(A) have full dining service available;
(B) have multiple screens to enable each patron to view
simulcast races; and
(C) be designed to seat comfortably a minimum of two
hundred (200) persons.
(4) In determining whether a proposed satellite facility should
be approved, the commission shall consider the following:
(A) The purposes and provisions of this chapter.
(B) The public interest.
(C) The impact of the proposed satellite facility on live
(D) The impact of the proposed satellite facility on the local
(E) The potential for job creation.
(F) The quality of the physical facilities and the services to
be provided at the proposed satellite facility.
(G) Any other factors that the commission considers
important or relevant to its decision.
(5) The commission may not issue a license for a satellite
facility to be located in a county unless IC 4-31-4 has been
(c) A permit holder licensed to conduct gambling games under
IC 4-35 is limited to the number of satellite facility licenses issued
to the permit holder before January 1, 2007.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.24-1996, SEC.8;
P.L.233-2007, SEC.7.
IC 4-31-5.5-4
License application statements
Sec. 4. A permit holder or group of permit holders that applies for
a satellite facility license must submit to the commission a satellite
facility statement in a form prescribed by the commission. This form
must include the following information:
(1) The estimated number of full-time and part-time jobs to be
created at the proposed satellite facility.
(2) The population of the municipality, if any, in which the
proposed satellite facility is to be located.
(3) The proximity of the proposed satellite facility to any other
satellite facility or racetrack that conducts pari-mutuel wagering
under this article.
(4) The type of seating to be provided, including areas in the
proposed satellite facility where patrons may handicap races.
(5) The total seating capacity of the proposed satellite facility.
(6) The size and number of toilet facilities in the proposed
satellite facility.
(7) The availability of food and beverages at the proposed
satellite facility, including the number of tables and chairs,
kitchen facilities, and concession stands.
(8) The number of parking spaces available at the proposed
satellite facility.
(9) A description of the general demeanor of the proposed
satellite facility, including lighting, decor, and plans for the
exterior of the facility.
(10) The number of betting windows and stand-alone terminals
to be provided at the proposed satellite facility.
(11) A description of the heating and air conditioning units,
smoke removal equipment, and other climate control devices at
the proposed satellite facility.
(12) The total square footage of the proposed satellite facility.
(13) Any other information required by the commission.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18.
IC 4-31-5.5-5
Annual renewals
Sec. 5. An application for renewal of a satellite facility license
must be made annually.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18.
IC 4-31-5.5-6
Wagering and related activities
Sec. 6. A permit holder or group of permit holders that is
authorized to operate satellite facilities may accept and transmit
pari-mutuel wagers on horse racing at those facilities and may
engage in all activities necessary to establish and operate appropriate
satellite wagering facilities, including the following:
(1) Live simulcasts of horse racing conducted at the permit
holder's racetrack or at other racetracks. However, a satellite
facility operated by a permit holder may not simulcast races
conducted in other states on any day that is not a live racing day
(as defined in section 3 of this chapter) unless the satellite
facility also simulcasts all available races conducted in Indiana
on that day.
(2) Construction or leasing of satellite wagering facilities.
(3) Sale of food and beverages.
(4) Advertising and promotion.
(5) All other related activities.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.18.