IC 4-33-9
Chapter 9. Gambling Operations
IC 4-33-9-1
Gambling permitted on riverboats
Sec. 1. Gambling may be conducted on a riverboat by:
(1) a licensed owner;
(2) an operating agent; or
(3) a trustee in accordance with IC 4-33-21.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
SEC.39; P.L.142-2009, SEC.15.
IC 4-33-9-2
Docked riverboats; inapplicability to flexible scheduling
Sec. 2. (a) This section does not apply to a riverboat that has
implemented flexible scheduling under IC 4-33-6-21.
(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), gambling may
not be conducted while a riverboat is docked.
(c) If the master of the riverboat reasonably determines and
certifies in writing that:
(1) specific weather conditions, water conditions, or traffic
conditions present a danger to the riverboat and the riverboat's
passengers and crew;
(2) either the vessel or the docking facility is undergoing
mechanical or structural repair;
(3) water traffic conditions present a danger to:
(A) the riverboat, riverboat passengers, and crew; or
(B) other vessels on the water; or
(4) the master has been notified that a condition exists that
would cause a violation of federal law if the riverboat were to
the riverboat may remain docked and gaming may take place until the
master determines that the conditions have sufficiently diminished
or been corrected for the riverboat to safely proceed or the duration
of the authorized excursion has expired.
(d) The commission shall by rule permit gambling to be
conducted for periods of not more than thirty (30) minutes during
passenger embarkation and not more than thirty (30) minutes during
passenger disembarkation.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.20-1995,
SEC.15; P.L.55-1995, SEC.3; P.L.192-2002(ss), SEC.16.
IC 4-33-9-3
Cruises; duration
Sec. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a riverboat cruise
may not exceed four (4) hours for a round trip.
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to an extended cruise that is
expressly approved by the commission.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by
P.L.192-2002(ss), SEC.17.
IC 4-33-9-4
Minimum and maximum wagers
Sec. 4. Minimum and maximum wagers on gambling games shall
be determined by the person who has been issued an owner's license
or an operating agent contract.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
IC 4-33-9-5
Inspection of riverboats
Sec. 5. The following may board and inspect a riverboat at any
time to determine if this article is being violated:
(1) Employees of the commission.
(2) Officers of the state police department.
(3) Conservation officers of the department of natural
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-6
Stopping riverboat for law enforcement officer or commission
Sec. 6. A riverboat that is under way must stop immediately and
lay to if the riverboat is hailed by a state police officer, a
conservation officer of the department of natural resources, or an
agent of the commission.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-7
Presence of commission employees and conservation officers on
riverboats or facilities
Sec. 7. Employees of the commission and conservation officers of
the department of natural resources have the right to be present on a
riverboat or adjacent facilities under the control of a person who has
been issued an owner's license or operating agent contract.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
IC 4-33-9-8
Gambling equipment and supplies; purchase or lease
Sec. 8. Gambling equipment and supplies customarily used in
conducting riverboat gambling may be purchased or leased only from
suppliers licensed under this article.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-9
Permitted forms of wagering
Sec. 9. A person who has been issued an owner's license or an
operating agent contract may not permit any form of wagering on
gambling games except as permitted under this article.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
IC 4-33-9-10
Presence required for wagering
Sec. 10. Wagers may be received only from a person present on
a riverboat. A person present on a riverboat may not place or attempt
to place a wager on behalf of another person who is not present on
the riverboat.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
IC 4-33-9-11
Negotiable currency; wagering prohibited
Sec. 11. Wagering may not be conducted with money or other
negotiable currency.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-12
Persons under 21 years of age; presence in gambling area
Sec. 12. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a person who is
less than twenty-one (21) years of age may not be present in the area
of a riverboat where gambling is being conducted.
(b) A person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and who is
an employee of the riverboat gambling operation may be present in
the area of the riverboat where gambling is conducted. However, an
employee who is less than twenty-one (21) years of age may not
perform any function involving gambling by the patrons.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-13
Persons under 21 years of age; wagering prohibited
Sec. 13. A person who is less than twenty-one (21) years of age
may not make a wager under this article.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.
IC 4-33-9-14
Navigability of waterways
Sec. 14. (a) This section applies only to a riverboat that operates
from a county that is contiguous to the Ohio River.
(b) A cruise is permitted only when the navigable waterway for
which the riverboat is licensed is navigable, as determined by the
commission in consultation with the United States Army Corps of
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by
P.L.192-2002(ss), SEC.18.
IC 4-33-9-15
Tokens, chips, or electronic cards; purchase
Sec. 15. (a) All tokens, chips, or electronic cards that are used to
make wagers must be purchased from the owner or operating agent
of the riverboat:
(1) while on board the riverboat; or
(2) at an on-shore facility that:
(A) has been approved by the commission; and
(B) is located where the riverboat docks.
(b) The tokens, chips, or electronic cards may be purchased by
means of an agreement under which the owner or operating agent
extends credit to the patron.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.92-2003,
IC 4-33-9-16
Tokens, chips, or electronic cards; use
Sec. 16. Tokens, chips, or electronic cards may be used while
aboard the riverboat only for the purpose of making wagers on
gambling games.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124.