IC 4-36-2
Chapter 2. Definitions
IC 4-36-2-1
Application of definitions
Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-2
Sec. 2. "Commission" means the alcohol and tobacco commission
created by IC 7.1-2-1-1.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-3
Sec. 3. "Deal" means each separate game or series of pull tab
tickets with a specific form number and a unique serial number.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-4
Sec. 4. "Department" refers to the department of state revenue.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-5
Sec. 5. "Distributor" means a person licensed to distribute pull
tabs, punchboards, and tip boards under IC 4-32.2.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-6
"Electronic gaming device"
Sec. 6. "Electronic gaming device" has the meaning set forth in
IC 35-45-5-1.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-7
Sec. 7. "Flare" means the board or placard that accompanies each
deal of pull tabs on which the following information is printed:
(1) The game name.
(2) The manufacturer's name or distinctive logo.
(3) The form number.
(4) The ticket count.
(5) The prize structure.
(6) The cost per play.
(7) The game serial number.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-8
"Form number"
Sec. 8. "Form number" means the unique number or alphanumeric
code that identifies a game's cost per play, ticket count, payout
structure, and extended payout structure, if any.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-9
"Gross receipts"
Sec. 9. "Gross receipts" means the total amount of money
exchanged for the purchase of pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards
by type II gaming patrons. The term does not include any amount
wagered on winner take all and other qualified drawings conducted
by a retailer under IC 4-36-5-1(c).
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.108-2009,
IC 4-36-2-10
"Licensed premises"
Sec. 10. "Licensed premises" has the meaning set forth in
IC 7.1-1-3-20.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-11
Sec. 11. "Licensee" means a person holding a license issued under
this article.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-12
Sec. 12. "Manufacturer" means a person licensed to manufacture
pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards under IC 4-32.2.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-13
Sec. 13. "Person" means an individual, a sole proprietorship, a
partnership, an association, a fiduciary, a corporation, a limited
liability company, or any other business entity.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-14
"Pull tab"
Sec. 14. "Pull tab" has the meaning set forth in IC 4-32.2-2-22.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-15
Sec. 15. "Punchboard" has the meaning set forth in
IC 4-32.2-2-23.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-15.5
"Qualified drawing"
Sec. 15.5. "Qualified drawing" means a random drawing to award
one (1) or more prizes that is conducted in the manner required by
IC 4-36-5-1(c).
As added by P.L.108-2009, SEC.15.
IC 4-36-2-16
Sec. 16. "Raffle" means the selling of tickets or chances to win a
prize awarded through a random drawing.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-17
Sec. 17. "Retailer" means a person that:
(1) is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages under IC 7.1-3 to
customers for consumption on the licensed premises of the
person's tavern; and
(2) holds an endorsement to conduct type II gambling games
that was issued by the commission under IC 4-36-4.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-18
Sec. 18. "Tavern" means that part of a licensed premises:
(1) that is a separate room from the public spaces of the
licensed premises in which a minor may be present under
IC 7.1-5-7-11(a)(16);
(2) that is used primarily for the serving of alcoholic beverages
by the drink to the general public; and
(3) where food service is secondary to the primary use
described in subdivision (2) in the amount of sales.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-19
"Tip board"
Sec. 19. "Tip board" has the meaning set forth in IC 4-32.2-2-28.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-20
"Type II gambling game"
Sec. 20. "Type II gambling game" means a pull tab, punchboard,
or tip board game approved by the Indiana gaming commission for
play under IC 4-32.2.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-2-21
"Type II gambling operation"
Sec. 21. "Type II gambling operation" means the conduct of
gambling games authorized under this article in a tavern.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.