IC 4-36-7
Chapter 7. Security
IC 4-36-7-1
Alcohol and tobacco commission responsibility for security
Sec. 1. The commission is responsible for security matters under
this article. The commission may employ individuals who are
necessary to carry out this chapter.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-7-2
Commission powers concerning security
Sec. 2. The commission may do any of the following:
(1) Investigate an alleged violation of this article.
(2) Enter the following premises for the performance of the
commission's lawful duties:
(A) A retailer's tavern.
(B) A place in which type II gambling games are being
purchased, sold, manufactured, printed, or stored.
(3) Take necessary equipment from the premises referred to in
subdivision (2) for further investigation.
(4) Obtain full access to all financial records of the alleged
violator on request.
(5) If there is a reason to believe that a violation has occurred,
search and inspect the premises where the violation is alleged
to have occurred or is occurring. A search under this
subdivision may not be conducted unless a warrant has first
been obtained by the commission. A contract entered into by
the commission may not include a provision allowing for
warrantless searches. A warrant may be obtained in the county
in which the search will be conducted or in Marion County.
(6) Seize or take possession of:
(A) papers;
(B) records;
(C) tickets;
(D) currency; or
(E) other items;
related to an alleged violation.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-7-3
Sec. 3. The commission shall conduct investigations necessary to
ensure the security and integrity of the operation of type II gambling
games under this article. The commission may conduct investigations
of the following:
(1) Retailers.
(2) Applicants for endorsements or licenses issued under this
(3) Licensed manufacturers and distributors.
(4) Employees of the commission under this article.
(5) Applicants for contracts or employment with the
commission under this article.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-7-4
State police assistance
Sec. 4. (a) The state police department shall, at the request of the
commission, provide the following:
(1) Assistance in obtaining criminal history information
relevant to investigations required for honest, secure, and
exemplary operations under this article.
(2) Any other assistance requested by the executive director and
agreed to by the superintendent of the state police department.
(b) Any other state agency, including the Indiana gaming
commission and the Indiana professional licensing agency, shall
upon request provide the commission with information relevant to an
investigation conducted under this article.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.108-2009,