IC 5-11-19
Chapter 19. Transitional Provisions
IC 5-11-19-1
Transfers of powers, duties, liabilities, records, property, and
employees; rules
Sec. 1. (a) All powers, duties, liabilities, records, property, and
employees of the field examiners retirement board (referred to as
FERF in this chapter) are transferred to the board of trustees of the
public employees' retirement fund (referred to as PERF in this
chapter) as the successor agency. The assets of FERF are transferred
to PERF.
(b) Rules of the FERF board of trustees filed with the secretary of
state before July 1, 1986, shall be treated after June 30, 1986, as
though they had been adopted by the PERF board of trustees.
As added by P.L.35-1985, SEC.25.
IC 5-11-19-2
Date of transfer of employees and recognition of prior creditable
service; benefits under repealed section
Sec. 2. (a) After June 30, 1986, field examiners and other
employees of the state board of accounts shall be included as
members of PERF and shall be treated as though they were members
of PERF during their employment with the state board of accounts.
Creditable service that was properly allowed by the FERF board of
trustees as of June 30, 1986, shall be recognized by the PERF board
of trustees as creditable service.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the members of FERF who
were members on April 1, 1967, are entitled to receive retirement,
survivor, disability, and all other benefits as provided by
IC 5-11-15-13 (repealed) before July 1, 1986.
As added by P.L.35-1985, SEC.25. Amended by P.L.1-2009, SEC.22.
IC 5-11-19-3
Referendum as to repealed section; effect
Sec. 3. The repeal of IC 5-11-15-10, concerning the referendum
for inclusion of field examiners and other employees of the state
board of accounts in the federal Social Security Act, does not affect
the result of the referendum. After June 30, 1986, IC 5-10.1 applies
to these field examiners and other employees.
As added by P.L.35-1985, SEC.25.