IC 5-15
IC 5-15-1
Chapter 1. Reproduction of Records
IC 5-15-1-1
Copies or reproductions; destruction of originals; evidentiary
value of copies
Sec. 1. (a) Any officer, office, court, commission, board,
institution, department, agent, or employee of the state, county, or
any political subdivision being charged with the duty or authorized
or required by law to record, preserve, keep, maintain, or file any
record, document, plat, paper or instrument-in-writing, may,
whenever any such officer, office, court, commission, board,
institution, department, agent, or employee of the state, county, or
any political subdivision shall deem it necessary, for the purpose of
recording or copying same, preserving and protecting same, reducing
space required for storage or filing of same, or any similar purpose,
have or cause to have any or all such records recorded, copied, or
reproduced by any photostatic, photographic, micrographic,
electronic, or other process which correctly and accurately copies or
reproduces, recreates, or forms a medium of copying or reproducing
the original record, document, plat, paper, or instrument-in-writing.
Any officer, office, court, commission, board, institution,
department, agent, or employee of the state may have or cause to
have records recorded, copied, or reproduced under this subsection
by any optical imaging process that correctly and accurately copies
or reproduces, recreates, or forms a medium of copying or
reproducing the original record, document, plat, paper, or
(b) The original filing record may be destroyed if:
(1) the record has been copied or is capable of being reproduced
or recreated under subsection (a); and
(2) the commission on public records, as to state records, or the
commission of public records of the respective county, as to
records of counties and other local units of government, has
decided to destroy the original record.
(c) Copies, recreations, or reproductions made under subsection
(1) shall have the same force and effect at law as the original
record destroyed under subsection (b); and
(2) shall be received as evidence in any court where the original
record could have been so introduced;
if the recreations, copies, or reproductions are properly certified as
to authenticity and accuracy by a duly constituted official custodian
of such records.
(d) All micrographics processes done under this chapter shall
comply with the quality standards developed under IC 5-15-5.1-8.
(e) This section does not apply to the state court administration
division of the supreme court.
(Formerly: Acts 1947, c.195, s.1.) As amended by Acts 1979, P.L.40,
SEC.16; P.L.50-1991, SEC.2; P.L.79-1995, SEC.1.