IC 5-17-5
Chapter 5. Prompt Payment
IC 5-17-5-1
Penalty for late payments of amounts due on public contracts
Sec. 1. (a) Except as provided in section 2 of this chapter, every
state agency and political subdivision shall pay a late payment
penalty at a rate of one percent (1%) per month on amounts due on
written contracts for public works, personal services, goods and
services, equipment, and travel whenever the state agency or political
subdivision fails to make timely payment.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), for the purposes of this
section, payment is timely if:
(1) a check or warrant is mailed or delivered on the date
specified for the amount specified in the applicable contract
documents, or, if no date is specified, within thirty-five (35)
days of:
(A) receipt of goods and services; or
(B) receipt of a properly completed claim.
(2) for any amount required to be withheld under state or
federal law, a check or warrant is mailed or delivered in the
proper amount on the date the amount may be released under
the applicable law.
(c) For the purposes of this section, payment by a political
subdivision is timely if:
(1) a date for payment is not specified in an applicable contract;
(2) a claim:
(A) for payment for goods or services; and
(B) that must be approved by a local legislative body or
is submitted to the body or board; and
(3) the political subdivision pays the claim within thirty-five
(35) days following the first regularly scheduled meeting of the
body or board that is held at least ten (10) days after the body
or board receives the claim.
As added by P.L.59-1983, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.52-1988, SEC.1;
P.L.44-1996, SEC.1; P.L.260-1997(ss), SEC.47.
IC 5-17-5-2
Exemption; "good faith dispute" defined
Sec. 2. (a) Section 1 of this chapter does not apply to the
(1) Interagency or intergovernmental transactions.
(2) Amounts payable to employees or prospective employees of
state agencies or political subdivisions as reimbursement for
(3) Claims subject to a good faith dispute, if before the date of
timely payment notice of the dispute is:
(A) sent by certified mail;
(B) personally delivered; or
(C) sent in accordance with the procedure in the contract.
(4) Contracts entered into before September 1, 1983.
(5) Contracts related to highway or road construction,
reconstruction, or maintenance, if:
(A) the Indiana department of transportation authorizes
partial progress payments under IC 8-23-9-14; and
(B) each progress payment does not exceed five hundred
dollars ($500).
(6) Claims, contracts, or projects that are to be paid for
exclusively with federal funds.
(b) As used in subsection (a)(3), "good faith dispute" means:
(1) a contention by the state or political subdivision that goods
delivered or services rendered were:
(A) of less quantity or quality than ordered or specified by
(B) faulty; or
(C) installed improperly; or
(2) any other reason giving cause for the withholding of
payment by the state or political subdivision until such dispute
is settled.
As added by P.L.59-1983, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.52-1988, SEC.2;
P.L.18-1990, SEC.17.
IC 5-17-5-3
Funds for late payment penalties; accrual of late payment penalty;
defective claims
Sec. 3. (a) The auditor of state shall pay a late payment penalty on
behalf of any state agency required to pay late payment penalties
under this chapter. The auditor of state shall pay the penalties from
funds designated for administrative costs of the agency receiving the
public works, personal services, goods and services, equipment, or
travel. The penalties may not be paid from other funds of the state.
(b) Any late payment penalty that remains unpaid at the end of
any thirty (30) day period shall be added to the principal amount of
the debt and, thereafter, penalties shall accrue on that amount.
(c) In instances where a claim is filled out incorrectly, or where
there is any defect or impropriety in a claim submitted, the auditor of
state, any division of the Indiana department of administration that
accepts claims for payment, or a political subdivision, as appropriate,
shall contact the vendor within ten (10) days. An error on the
vendor's claim, if corrected within five (5) business days of being so
contacted, may not result in the vendor being paid late.
As added by P.L.59-1983, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.44-1996, SEC.2.
IC 5-17-5-4
Late payment penalties to subcontractors; accrual of interest
Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to contractors receiving late
payment penalties under section 1 of this chapter.
(b) A contractor who is unable to make timely payments to a
subcontractor because of a state agency or political subdivision's
failure to make timely payments to the contractor shall pay interest
to the subcontractor at the rate of one percent (1%) per month on the
amount due the subcontractor after the contractor receives payment
and any penalty paid under this chapter.
(c) Any interest that remains unpaid to the subcontractor at the
end of any thirty (30) day period shall be added to the principal
amount of the debt. After that time, interest accrues on the aggregate
of the principal and unpaid interest.
As added by P.L.52-1988, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.44-1996, SEC.3.
IC 5-17-5-5
List of agencies paying late payment penalties
Sec. 5. (a) The auditor of state shall prepare a list that:
(1) identifies each state agency that has paid, or on whose
behalf the auditor of state has paid, a late payment penalty
under this chapter; and
(2) states the sum paid by the agency or by the auditor of state
on behalf of the agency during the preceding year.
(b) The auditor of state shall submit the list prepared under
subsection (a) to:
(1) the governor; and
(2) the budget agency;
before August 1 of each year.
As added by P.L.52-1988, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.44-1996, SEC.4.