IC 5-2-6.8
Chapter 6.8. Family Violence and Victim Assistance Fund
IC 5-2-6.8-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "division" refers to the victim
services division of the Indiana criminal justice institute.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-2
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "fund" refers to the family
violence and victim assistance fund established by this chapter.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-3
Family violence and victim assistance fund established
Sec. 3. The family violence and victim assistance fund is
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-4
Fund purpose
Sec. 4. The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for domestic
violence prevention and treatment, child abuse prevention, and
victim and witness assistance programs.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-5
Administration of fund
Sec. 5. The division shall administer the fund.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-6
Sources of money for the fund
Sec. 6. The sources of the fund include the following:
(1) Amounts deposited under IC 33-37-7-9.
(2) Amounts distributed from the state user fee fund under
IC 33-37-9-4(a)(7).
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.
IC 5-2-6.8-7
Transfers from fund
Sec. 7. On June 30 and December 31 of each year, the treasurer
of state shall transfer money from the fund as follows:
(1) Fifty-five percent (55%) of the balance on deposit in the
fund or two hundred forty-five thousand dollars ($245,000),
whichever is greater, shall be deposited in the domestic
violence prevention and treatment fund established under
IC 5-2-6.7.
(2) The balance in the fund after the transfer of money under
subdivision (1) shall be deposited as follows:
(A) One-third (1/3) shall be deposited in the Indiana kids
first trust fund established by IC 31-26-4-12.
(B) Two-thirds (2/3) shall be deposited in the victim and
witness assistance fund established by IC 5-2-6-14.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.5.