IC 5-30-6
Chapter 6. Request for Proposals
IC 5-30-6-1
Request for proposals; design criteria package
Sec. 1. The public agency shall issue a request for proposals to the
potential design-builders selected under IC 5-30-5-6. Each request
for proposals must contain a design criteria package.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-30-6-2
Design criteria developer; conflict of interest
Sec. 2. (a) The design criteria developer shall prepare the design
criteria package.
(b) The design criteria developer may not submit a proposal or
furnish design or construction services under the contract.
(c) The design-builder may not delegate or subcontract design
services or construction services under the design-build contract to
the design criteria developer.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-30-6-3
Design criteria package requirements
Sec. 3. (a) The public agency shall determine the scope and level
of detail required for the design criteria package.
(b) The design criteria package must specify the design criteria
necessary to describe the public project, which may include, as
appropriate, the following:
(1) A legal description and survey of the site.
(2) Interior space requirements.
(3) Special material requirements.
(4) Material quality standards.
(5) Preliminary design criteria for the project.
(6) Special equipment requirements.
(7) Cost or budget estimates.
(8) Quality assurance and quality control requirements.
(9) Site development requirements.
(10) Compliance with applicable codes and ordinances.
(11) Permits and connections to utilities.
(12) Requirements for storm water and roads.
(13) Parking requirements.
(14) Soil borings and geotechnical information or performance
(15) Life cycle costing and energy consumption requirements.
(16) Performance specifications, including warranties.
(17) Project schedule.
(18) Any other applicable requirements.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-30-6-4
Request for proposals; additional requirements
Sec. 4. In addition to the design criteria package, a request for
proposals must include the following:
(1) Instructions.
(2) Proposal forms and schedules.
(3) General and special conditions.
(4) The basis for evaluation of proposals, including a
description of the selection criteria with the weight assigned to
each criteria.
(5) A determination of the common construction wage made
under IC 5-16-7.
(6) Any other instructions, documents, or information relevant
to the public project that the public agency considers relevant.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-30-6-5
Qualitative proposal and price proposal required
Sec. 5. The request for proposals must include the requirement
that a proposal be submitted in the following two (2) packages:
(1) A qualitative proposal.
(2) A price proposal.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-30-6-6
Stipend to unsuccessful bidder
Sec. 6. The public agency may provide a stipend to a
non-successful bidder to encourage competition under this article.
As added by P.L.74-2005, SEC.1.