IC 5-8-4
Chapter 4. Resignations
IC 5-8-4-1
No right to withdrawal without consent
Sec. 1. Whenever any officer, servant or employee of the state of
Indiana, or of any board, bureau, commission, department, division,
instrumentality or agency thereof, or of any city, town, county,
township, or school corporation, or of any board, bureau,
commission, department, division, instrumentality or agency of any
city, town, county, township, or school corporation, shall submit in
writing his or her resignation, whether to take effect at once, when
accepted, or at some future fixed date, with the proper officer, person
or persons or authority of government to receive such resignation, the
person so submitting such written resignation shall have no right to
withdraw, rescind, annul or amend such resignation without the
consent of the officer, person or persons or authority of government
having power by law to fill such vacancy.
(Formerly: Acts 1945, c.119, s.1.)
IC 5-8-4-2
Conditions null and void
Sec. 2. Any condition contained in any resignation, except as to
time of taking effect of the same, shall be null and void.
(Formerly: Acts 1945, c.119, s.2.)
IC 5-8-4-3
(Repealed by P.L.4-1988, SEC.5.)
IC 5-8-4-4
Effective upon filing with person authorized to receive resignation
Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to a person holding an elected or
appointed office.
(b) When the person submits a written resignation as an officer,
the resignation takes effect when filed with the proper person
authorized to receive the resignation unless the resignation:
(1) has a delayed effective date; or
(2) is withdrawn, rescinded, annulled, or amended in
accordance with this chapter.
As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.420.
IC 5-8-4-5
Effective on time or date contained in resignation
Sec. 5. A written resignation containing a provision stating that
the resignation takes effect at a time or on a date following the filing
of the resignation with the proper person takes effect at that time or
on that date.
As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.421.
IC 5-8-4-6
Effective upon filing with first required entity
Sec. 6. If this article requires that notice of a resignation be filed
with more than one (1) officer or entity, the resignation becomes
effective when filed with the first entity unless otherwise stated in
the resignation.
As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.422.