IC 8-23-19
Chapter 19. Advance Land Acquisition Revolving Fund
IC 8-23-19-1
Creation of fund
Sec. 1. There is created a revolving fund to be known as the
highway rights-of-way and construction revolving fund. This
revolving fund is created to comply with 23 U.S.C. 124.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.228.
IC 8-23-19-2
Deposit of federal advances
Sec. 2. Advances made by the federal highway administration to
this state to enable the department to make payments for acquisitions
of rights-of-way and for construction as it progresses shall be
deposited in the revolving fund by the state official authorized by
Indiana law to receive federal-aid highway funds.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.228.
IC 8-23-19-3
Sec. 3. Disbursements shall be made from this fund solely upon
vouchers approved by the department for rights-of-way that have
been or are being acquired and for construction that has been actually
performed and approved by the Federal Highway Administration.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.228.