IC 8-23-25
Chapter 25. High Speed Rail Development Fund
IC 8-23-25-1
Sec. 1. The high speed rail development fund is established for the
purpose of promoting and developing high speed rail travel in
As added by P.L.83-1991, SEC.3.
IC 8-23-25-2
Sec. 2. The department shall administer the fund.
As added by P.L.83-1991, SEC.3.
IC 8-23-25-3
Investment of funds
Sec. 3. The treasurer of state may invest the money in the fund in
the same manner as other public funds may be invested.
As added by P.L.83-1991, SEC.3.
IC 8-23-25-4
Sec. 4. Money from the high speed rail development fund may be
disbursed to the Interstate Rail Passenger Advisory Council under
IC 8-3-19-2.
As added by P.L.83-1991, SEC.3.
IC 8-23-25-5
Reversion of funds
Sec. 5. Money in the fund at the end of a fiscal year does not
revert to the state general fund or to the industrial rail service fund.
As added by P.L.83-1991, SEC.3.