IC 8-6-14
Chapter 14. Farm Crossings of Railroad Tracks
IC 8-6-14-1
Authority for establishment; plans and specifications
Sec. 1. Owners of tracts of land separated by the right of way of
a railway company, or owner of a tract or tracts of land separated by
the right of way of a railway company from a public highway or
road, lying and situated immediately contiguous to and adjoining said
right of way, may, if such right of way has been or shall hereafter be
acquired by condemnation and appropriation, or by purchase or
donation, construct and maintain wagon and driveways over and
across such right of way leading from one of such tracts to another
on the opposite side of such right of way, or leading from such tract
or tracts of land on one (1) side to the highway on the other side of
the right of way, at any point most convenient to such owner. For this
purpose, such owner may enter upon such right of way and construct
such embankment, or make such excavation, on one (1) or both sides
of the track of such railway as may be necessary to establish easy
grades from one (1) tract of land to the opposite tract or highway,
and may spike planks on the ties of such railway on the line of such
way for the space of the width of such way, of such thickness as not
to be elevated above the top of the rails of such railway, and may
also bridge the gutters at the sides of such railway track in such
manner as not to obstruct the flow of water therein: Provided, The
railroad company shall make the crossing.
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.44, s.1; Acts 1899, c.212, s.1.)
IC 8-6-14-2
Fences; gates
Sec. 2. When such railroad is fenced on one (1) or both sides at
the point where such way is constructed, such owner shall erect and
maintain substantial gates in the line of such fence or fences across
such way, and keep the same securely locked when not in use by
himself or employees.
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.44, s.2.)
IC 8-6-14-3
Killing or injuring livestock
Sec. 3. If animals are killed or injured on the track of such railroad
by the cars or locomotives thereof, the company owning or operating
such railroad, shall not be liable to pay damages therefor if such
animal entered upon the track of such railroad through such gates,
unless it shall be proved that such killing or injury was caused by the
negligence of the servants of the company owning or operating such
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.44, s.3.)