The secretary of state be, and is, hereby authorized to procure a
seal which shall be the great seal of the state of Iowa, two inches
in diameter, upon which shall be engraved the following device,
surrounded by the words, "The Great Seal of the State of Iowa" --
a sheaf and field of standing wheat, with a sickle and other farming
utensils, on the left side near the bottom; a lead furnace and pile
of pig lead on the right side; the citizen soldier, with a plow in
his rear, supporting the American flag and liberty cap with his right
hand, and his gun with his left, in the center and near the bottom;
the Mississippi river in the rear of the whole, with the steamer
Iowa under way; an eagle near the upper edge, holding in his beak
a scroll, with the following inscription upon it: Our liberties we
prize, and our rights we will maintain. Section History: Early Form
[1GA, ch 112; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 1A.1]
Editor's Note: The Act of the First General Assembly of the State
of Iowa creating the Great Seal, approved February 25, 1847, is
hereby reproduced in the descriptive part.
There seem to be no further enactments, repeals, or amendments and
no codification of this law appears in the various Codes. See
Annals of Iowa, Volume XI, pages 561, 576. Constitutional
provision for a great seal is contained in Iowa Constitution, Art.
IV, § 20, but no description is provided.