1. Prior to debate on the floor of a chamber of the general
assembly, a correctional impact statement shall be attached to any
bill, joint resolution, or amendment which proposes a change in the
law which creates a public offense, significantly changes an existing
public offense or the penalty for an existing offense, or changes
existing sentencing, parole, or probation procedures. The statement
shall include information concerning the estimated number of criminal
cases per year that the legislation will impact, the fiscal impact of
confining persons pursuant to the legislation, the impact of the
legislation on minorities, the impact of the legislation upon
existing correctional institutions, community-based correctional
facilities and services, and jails, the likelihood that the
legislation may create a need for additional prison capacity, and
other relevant matters. The statement shall be factual and shall, if
possible, provide a reasonable estimate of both the immediate effect
and the long-range impact upon prison capacity.
2. a. When a committee of the general assembly reports a
bill, joint resolution, or amendment to the floor, the committee
shall state in the report whether a correctional impact statement is
or is not required.
b. The legislative services agency shall review all bills and
joint resolutions placed on the calendar of either chamber of the
general assembly, as well as amendments filed to bills or joint
resolutions on the calendar, to determine whether a correctional
impact statement is required.
c. A member of the general assembly may request the
preparation of a correctional impact statement by submitting a
request to the legislative services agency.
3. The legislative services agency shall cause to be prepared a
correctional impact statement within a reasonable time after
receiving a request or determining that a proposal is subject to this
section. All correctional impact statements approved by the
legislative services agency shall be transmitted immediately to
either the chief clerk of the house or the secretary of the senate,
after notifying the sponsor of the legislation that the statement has
been prepared for publication. The chief clerk of the house or the
secretary of the senate shall attach the statement to the bill, joint
resolution, or amendment affected as soon as it is available.
4. The legislative services agency may request the cooperation of
any state department or agency or political subdivision in preparing
a correctional impact statement.
5. The legislative services agency, in cooperation with the
division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department
of human rights, shall develop a protocol for analyzing the impact of
the legislation on minorities.
6. A revised correctional impact statement shall be prepared if
the correctional impact has been changed by the adoption of an
amendment, and may be requested by a member of the general assembly
or be prepared upon a determination made by the legislative services
agency. However, a request for a revised correctional impact
statement shall not delay action on the bill, joint resolution, or
amendment unless so ordered by the presiding officer of the chamber.
Section History: Recent Form
93 Acts, ch 171, §14; 2003 Acts, ch 35, §12, 49; 2008 Acts, ch
1095, §1, 2, 4
Referred to in § 2A.4