1. The Iowa Code editor in preparing the copy for an edition of
the Iowa Code or Iowa Code Supplement shall not alter the sense,
meaning, or effect of any Act of the general assembly, but may:
a. Correct manifestly misspelled words and grammatical and
clerical errors, including punctuation, and change capitalization,
spelling, and punctuation for purposes of uniformity and consistency
in Code language.
b. Correct internal references to sections which are cited
erroneously or have been repealed, amended, or renumbered.
c. Substitute the proper chapter, section, subsection, or
other statutory reference for the term "this Act" or references
to another Act of the general assembly when there appears to be no
doubt as to the proper method of making the substitution.
d. Substitute the proper date for references to the effective
or applicability dates of an Act when there appears to be no doubt as
to the proper method of making the substitution.
e. Correct names of agencies, officers, or other entities
when there appears to be no doubt as to the proper method of making
the correction.
f. Transfer, divide, or combine sections or parts of sections
and add or amend headnotes to sections and subsections. Pursuant to
section 3.3, the headnotes are not part of the law.
g. Change words that designate one gender to reflect both
genders when the provisions apply to both genders.
h. If any Code section or part of a Code section, or any Act
of the general assembly which is intended to be codified, is amended
by more than one Act or more than one provision in an Act of the
general assembly, and the amendments do not expressly refer to or
amend one of the other Acts or Act provisions in question, harmonize
the amendments, if possible, so that effect may be given to each and
incorporate the amendments as harmonized in the Code section. If
amendments made by several Acts are irreconcilable, unless one of the
amendments repeals or strikes the language in question, the Iowa Code
editor shall codify the amendment that is latest in date of enactment
by the general assembly. If amendments made by provisions within an
Act are irreconcilable, unless one of the amendments repeals or
strikes the language in question, the Iowa Code editor shall codify
the provision listed last in the Act. If one of the amendments
repeals or strikes the language in question, the Iowa Code editor
shall codify the amendment that repeals or strikes the language.
2. The administrative code editor in preparing the copy for an
edition of the Iowa administrative code or bulletin shall not alter
the sense, meaning, or effect of any rule, but may:
a. Correct misspelled words and grammatical and clerical
errors, including punctuation, and change capitalization, spelling,
and punctuation for purposes of uniformity and consistency.
b. Correct references to rules or sections which are cited
erroneously or have been repealed, amended, or renumbered.
c. Correct names of agencies, officers, or other entities
when there appears to be no doubt as to the proper method of making
the correction.
d. Transfer, divide, or combine rules or parts of rules and
add or amend catchwords to rules and subrules.
e. Change words that designate one gender to reflect both
genders when the provisions apply to both genders.
f. Perform any other editorial tasks required or authorized
by section 17A.6.
3. The Iowa Code editor may, in preparing the copy for an edition
of the Iowa Code or Iowa Code Supplement, establish standards for and
change capitalization, spelling, and punctuation in any Code
provision for purposes of uniformity and consistency in Code
language. The administrative code editor may establish standards for
capitalization, spelling, and punctuation for purposes of uniformity
and consistency in the administrative code.
4. The Iowa Code editor shall seek direction from the senate
committee on judiciary and the house committee on judiciary when
making Iowa Code or Iowa Code Supplement changes, and the
administrative code editor shall seek direction from the
administrative rules review committee and the administrative rules
coordinator when making Iowa administrative code changes, which
appear to require substantial editing and which might otherwise be
interpreted to exceed the scope of the authority granted in this
5. The Iowa Code editor may prepare and publish comments deemed
necessary for a proper explanation of the manner of printing a
section or chapter of the Iowa Code. The Iowa Code editor shall
maintain a record of all of the corrections made under subsection 1.
The Iowa Code editor shall also maintain a separate record of the
changes made under subsection 1, paragraphs "b" through "h".
The records shall be available to the public.
6. The Iowa Code editor and the administrative code editor shall
not make editorial changes which go beyond the authority granted in
this section or other law.
7. The effective date of all editorial changes in an edition of
the Iowa Code or Iowa Code Supplement is the date of the Iowa Code
editor's approval of the final press proofs for the statutory text
contained within that publication. The effective date of all
editorial changes for the Iowa administrative code is the date those
changes are published in the Iowa administrative code. Section History: Early Form
[C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 169; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73,
75, 77, 79, 81, § 14.13] Section History: Recent Form
84 Acts, ch 1117, § 1; 85 Acts, ch 195, §1; 86 Acts, ch 1242, § 5,
6; 91 Acts, ch 258, §13
C93, § 2B.13
95 Acts, ch 67, § 1; 96 Acts, ch 1099, §2; 2003 Acts, ch 35, §18,