1. The permanent and official printed versions of the Iowa Codes
and Code Supplements published subsequent to the adjournment of the
1982 regular session of the Sixty-ninth General Assembly shall be
known and may be cited as "Iowa Code chapter (or section) ..", or
"Iowa Code Supplement chapter (or section) ..", inserting the
appropriate chapter or section number. If the year of edition is
needed, it may be inserted before or after the words "Iowa Code" or
"Iowa Code Supplement". In Iowa publications, the word "Iowa" may be
omitted if the meaning is clear.
2. The Acts of each general assembly shall be known as "Acts of
the .. General Assembly, .. Session, Chapter (or File No.) ..,
Section .." (inserting the appropriate numbers) and shall be cited as
".. Iowa Acts, chapter (or File No.) .., section .." (inserting the
appropriate year, chapter or file number, and section number).
3. The official printed versions of the Iowa Code, Iowa Code
Supplement, and Iowa Acts published under authority of the state are
the only authoritative publications of the statutes of this state.
Other publications of the statutes of the state shall not be cited in
the courts or in the reports or rules of the courts. The Iowa Code
editor is the custodian of the official printed versions of the Iowa
Code, Iowa Code Supplement, and Iowa Acts and may attest to and
authenticate any portion of those official printed versions for
purposes of admitting a portion of the official printed version in
any court or office of any state, territory, or possession of the
United States or in a foreign jurisdiction.
4. The Iowa administrative code and the Iowa administrative
bulletin shall be cited as provided in section 17A.6.
5. The printed version of the Iowa administrative code is the
permanent publication of administrative rules in this state and the
Iowa administrative bulletin and the Iowa administrative code
published pursuant to chapter 17A are the official publications of
the administrative rules of this state, and are the only
authoritative publications of the administrative rules of this state.
Other publications of the administrative rules of this state shall
not be cited in the courts or in the reports or rules of the courts.
The Iowa administrative code editor is the custodian of the official
printed versions of the Iowa administrative code and the Iowa
administrative bulletin and may attest to and authenticate any
portion of those official printed versions for purposes of admitting
a portion of the official printed version in any court or office of
any state, territory, or possession of the United States or in a
foreign jurisdiction. Section History: Early Form
[C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 172; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73,
75, 77, 79, 81, § 14.17; 82 Acts, ch 1061, § 5] Section History: Recent Form
91 Acts, ch 258, §14
C93, § 2B.17
96 Acts, ch 1099, §3, 4; 2003 Acts, ch 35, §19, 49; 2004 Acts, ch
1086, § 2; 2005 Acts, ch 19, §3