1. a. The acquiring agency shall provide to the person, in
addition to any other sums of money in payment of just compensation,
the payments and assistance required by law, in accordance with
chapter 316, as if the acquiring agency were a displacing agency
under that chapter.
b. A person aggrieved by a determination made as to
eligibility for relocation assistance, a payment, or the amount of
the payment, upon application, may have the matter reviewed by the
appropriate acquiring agency.
c. An acquiring agency subject to this section that proposes
to displace a person shall inform the person of the person's right to
receive relocation assistance and payments, and of an aggrieved
person's right to appeal a determination as to assistance and
2. a. A utility or railroad subject to section 327C.2, or
chapters 476, 478, 479, 479A, and 479B, authorized by law to acquire
property by condemnation, which acquires the property of a person or
displaces a person for a program or project which has received or
will receive federal financial assistance as defined in section
316.1, shall provide to the person, in addition to any other sums of
money in payment of just compensation, the payments and assistance
required by law, in accordance with chapter 316.
b. A person aggrieved by a determination made by a utility as
to eligibility for relocation assistance, a payment, or the amount of
the payment, upon application, may have the matter reviewed by the
utilities division of the department of commerce.
c. A person aggrieved by a determination made by a railroad
as to eligibility for relocation assistance, a payment, or the amount
of the payment, upon application, may have the matter reviewed by the
state department of transportation.
d. A utility or railroad subject to this section that
proposes to displace a person shall inform the person of the person's
right to receive relocation assistance and payments, and of an
aggrieved person's right to appeal to the utilities division of the
department of commerce or the state department of transportation. Section History: Early Form
[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 472.42; 81 Acts, ch 22, § 21, 22] Section History: Recent Form
89 Acts, ch 20, § 18
C93, § 6B.42
95 Acts, ch 192, § 1; 99 Acts, ch 171, §17, 42; 2006 Acts, 1st Ex,
ch 1001, §16, 49 Footnotes
2006 amendment to subsection 1, paragraph a, takes effect July 14,
2006, and applies to applications for condemnation filed pursuant to
§6B.3 on or after that date; 2006 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1001, §49