The administrator shall coordinate the division's conduct of
various audits and investigations as provided by law including but
not limited to the following:
1. Investigations relative to the practice of regulated
professions and occupations, except those within the jurisdiction of
the board of medicine, the board of pharmacy, the dental board, and
the board of nursing.
2. Audits relative to the administration of hospitals and health
care facilities.
3. Audits relative to administration and disbursement of funding
under the state supplementary assistance program and the medical
assistance program.
4. Investigations and collections relative to the liquidation of
overpayment debts owed to the department of human services.
Collection methods include but are not limited to small claims
filings, debt setoff, distress warrants, and repayment agreements,
and are subject to approval by the department of human services.
5. Investigations relative to the operations of the department on
6. Investigations relative to the administration of the state
supplementary assistance program, the state medical assistance
program, the food stamp program, the family investment program, and
any other state or federal benefit assistance program.
7. Investigations relative to the internal affairs and operations
of agencies and departments within the executive branch of state
government, except for institutions governed by the state board of
regents. Section History: Recent Form
86 Acts, ch 1245, § 512; 90 Acts, ch 1204, § 1; 91 Acts, ch 107,
§1; 93 Acts, ch 53, §2; 93 Acts, ch 97, §23; 2000 Acts, ch 1155, §3;
2002 Acts, ch 1162, §7; 2007 Acts, ch 10, §6; 2007 Acts, ch 218,
§191; 2009 Acts, ch 23, §2
Referred to in § 10A.106, 10A.403