The specific duties of the director of the department of
management shall be:
1. Forms. To consult with all state officers and agencies
which receive reports and forms from county officers, in order to
devise standardized reports and forms which will permit computer
processing of the information submitted by county officers, and to
prescribe forms on which each municipality, at the time of preparing
estimates required under section 24.3, shall be required to compile
in parallel columns the following data and estimates for immediate
availability to any taxpayer upon request:
a. For the immediate prior fiscal year, revenue from all
sources, other than revenue received from property taxation,
allocated to each of the several funds and separately stated as to
each such source, and for each fund the unencumbered cash balance
thereof at the beginning and end of the year, the amount received by
property taxation allocated to each fund, and the amount of actual
expenditure for each fund.
b. For the current fiscal year, actual and estimated revenue,
from all sources, other than revenue received from property taxation,
and separately stated as to each such source, allocated to each of
the several funds, and for each fund the actual unencumbered cash
balance available at the beginning of the year, the amount to be
received from property taxation allocated to each fund, and the
amount of actual and estimated expenditures, whichever is applicable.
c. For the proposed budget year, an estimate of revenue from
all sources, other than revenue to be received from property
taxation, separately stated as to each such source, to be allocated
to each of the several funds, and for each fund the actual or
estimated unencumbered cash balance, whichever is applicable, to be
available at the beginning of the year, the amount proposed to be
received from property taxation allocated to each fund, and the
amount proposed to be expended during the year plus the amount of
cash reserve, based on actual experience of prior years, which shall
be the necessary cash reserve of the budget adopted exclusive of
capital outlay items. The estimated expenditures plus the required
cash reserve for the ensuing fiscal year less all estimated or actual
unencumbered balances at the beginning of the year and less the
estimated income from all sources other than property taxation shall
equal the amount to be received from property taxes, and such amount
shall be shown on the proposed budget estimate.
d. To insure uniformity, accuracy, and efficiency in the
preparation of budget estimates by municipalities subject to chapter
24, the director shall prescribe the procedures to be used and
instruct the appropriate officials of the various municipalities on
implementation of the procedures.
2. Report of standing appropriations. To annually prepare a
separate report containing a complete list of all standing
appropriations showing the amount of each appropriation and the
purpose for which the appropriation is made and furnish a copy of the
report to each member of the general assembly on or before the first
day of each regular session.
3. Budget document. To prepare the budget document and draft
the legislation to make it effective.
4. Allotments. To perform the necessary work involved in
reviewing requests for allotments as are submitted to the governor
for approval.
5. Reserved.
6. Investigations. To make such investigations of the
organization, activities and methods of procedure of the several
departments and establishments as the director of management may be
called upon to make by the governor or the governor and executive
council, or the legislature.
7. Legislative aid. To furnish to any committee of either
house of the legislature having jurisdiction over revenues or
appropriations such aid and information regarding the financial
affairs of the government as it may request.
8. Rules. To make such rules, subject to the approval of the
governor, as may be necessary for effectively carrying on the work of
the department of management. The director may, with the approval of
the executive council, require any state official, agency, department
or commission, to require any applicant, registrant, filer, permit
holder or license holder, whether individual, partnership, trust or
corporation, to submit to said official, agency, department or
commission, the social security or the tax number or both so assigned
to said individual, partnership, trust or corporation.
9. Budget report. To prepare and file in the department of
management, on or before the first day of December of each year, a
state budget report, which shall show in detail the following:
a. Classified estimates in detail of the expenditures
necessary, in the director's judgment, for the support of each
department and each institution and department thereof for the
ensuing fiscal year.
b. A schedule showing a comparison of such estimates with the
askings of the several departments for the current fiscal year and
with the expenditures of like character for the last two preceding
fiscal years.
c. A statement setting forth in detail the reasons for any
recommended increases or decreases in the estimated requirements of
the various departments, institutions, and departments thereof.
d. Estimates of all receipts of the state other than from
direct taxation and the sources thereof for the ensuing fiscal year.
e. A comparison of such estimates and askings with receipts
of a like character for the last two preceding fiscal years.
f. The expenditures and receipts of the state for the last
completed fiscal year, and estimates of the expenditures and receipts
of the state for the current fiscal year.
g. A detailed statement of all appropriations made during the
two preceding fiscal years, also of unexpended balances of
appropriations at the end of the last fiscal year and estimated
balances at the end of the current fiscal year.
h. Estimates in detail of the appropriations necessary to
meet the requirements of the several departments and institutions for
the next fiscal year.
i. Statements showing:
(1) The condition of the treasury at the end of the last fiscal
(2) The estimated condition of the treasury at the end of the
current fiscal year.
(3) The estimated condition of the treasury at the end of the
next fiscal year, if the director's recommendations are adopted.
(4) An estimate of the taxable value of all the property within
the state.
(5) The estimated aggregate amount necessary to be raised by a
state levy.
(6) The amount per thousand dollars of taxable value necessary to
produce such amount.
(7) Other data or information as the director deems advisable.
10. General control. To perform such other duties as may be
required to effectively control the financial operations of the
government as limited by this chapter.
11. Targeted small businesses. To assist the director of the
department of economic development as requested in the establishment
and implementation of the Iowa targeted small business procurement
Act and the targeted small business loan guarantee program.
12. State programs for equal opportunity. To perform
specific powers and duties as provided in chapter 19B and other
provisions of law with respect to oversight and the imposition of
sanctions in connection with state programs emphasizing equal
opportunity through affirmative action, contract compliance policies,
and procurement set-aside requirements.
13. Capital project budgeting requests. To compile annually
all capital project budgeting requests of all state agencies, as
defined in section 8.3A, and to consolidate the requests, with
individual state agency priorities noted, into a report for
submission with the budget documents by the governor pursuant to
section 8.22. Any additional information regarding the capital
project budgeting requests or priorities shall be compiled and
submitted in the same report.
14. Capital project planning and budgeting authority. To
call upon any state agency, as defined in section 8.3A, for
assistance the director may require in performing the director's
duties under subsection 13. All state agencies, upon the request of
the director, shall assist the director and are authorized to make
available to the director any existing studies, surveys, plans, data,
and other materials in the possession of the state agencies which are
relevant to the director's duties.
15. State tort claims -- risk management coordinator. To
designate a position within the department to serve as the executive
branch's risk management coordinator.
a. The risk management coordinator shall have all of the
following responsibilities:
(1) Coordinating and monitoring risk control policies and
programs in the executive branch, including but not limited to
coordination with the employees of departments who are responsible
for the workers' compensation for state employees and management of
state property.
(2) Consulting with the attorney general with respect to the risk
control policies and programs and trends in claims and liability of
the state under chapter 669.
(3) Coordinating the state's central data repository for claims
and risk information.
b. The costs of salary, benefits, and support for the risk
management coordinator shall be authorized by the state appeal board
established in chapter 73A and shall be paid as claims for services
furnished to the state under section 25.2.
16. Designation of services -- funding -- customer councils.
a. To establish a process by which the department, in
consultation with the department of administrative services, shall
determine which services provided by the department of administrative
services shall be funded by an appropriation and which services shall
be funded by the governmental entity receiving the service.
b. To establish a process for determining whether the
department of administrative services shall be the sole provider of a
service for purposes of those services which the department
determines under paragraph "a" are to be funded by the
governmental entities receiving the service.
c. To establish, by rule, a customer council responsible for
overseeing the services provided solely by the department of
administrative services. The rules adopted shall provide for all of
the following:
(1) The method of appointment of members to the council by the
governmental entities required to receive the services.
(2) The duties of the customer council which shall be as follows:
(a) Annual review and approval of the department of
administrative services' business plan regarding services provided
solely by the department of administrative services.
(b) Annual review and approval of the procedure for resolving
complaints concerning services provided by the department of
administrative services.
(c) Annual review and approval of the procedure for setting rates
for the services provided solely by the department of administrative
(3) A process for receiving input from affected governmental
entities as well as for a biennial review by the customer council of
the determinations made by the department of which services are
funded by an appropriation to the department of administrative
services and which services are funded by the governmental entities
receiving the service, including any recommendations as to whether
the department of administrative services shall be the sole provider
of a service funded by the governmental entities receiving the
service. The department, in consultation with the department of
administrative services, may change the determination of a service if
it is determined that the change is in the best interests of those
governmental entities receiving the service.
d. If a service to be provided may also be provided to the
judicial branch and legislative branch, then the rules shall provide
that the chief justice of the supreme court may appoint a member to
the customer council, and the legislative council may appoint a
member from the senate and a member from the house of representatives
to the customer council, in their discretion. Section History: Early Form
[C51, § 50; R60, § 71, 1967; C73, § 66; C97, § 89; S13, § 89,
161-a; C24, 27, 31, § 102, 130, 329; C35, § 84-e6; C39, § 84.06;
C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 8.6] Section History: Recent Form
83 Acts, ch 96, § 157, 159; 84 Acts, ch 1067, § 3; 85 Acts, ch
212, §21; 86 Acts, ch 1244, § 3; 86 Acts, ch 1245, § 104, 105, 2014;
86 Acts, ch 1246, § 121; 86 Acts, ch 1016, § 1; 89 Acts, ch 284, § 1;
89 Acts, ch 298, § 5; 90 Acts, ch 1168, § 3, 4; 90 Acts, ch 1266, §
29; 91 Acts, ch 268, §602, 603; 99 Acts, ch 204, § 21, 22; 2001 Acts,
2nd Ex, ch 2, §2, 3, 13; 2006 Acts, ch 1185, §90; 2007 Acts, ch 22,
§2; 2008 Acts, ch 1184, §29; 2009 Acts, ch 41, §5
Referred to in § 2.47A