1. The administrative code editor shall cause the Iowa
administrative bulletin to be published in accordance with section
2.42 at least every other week, unless the administrative code editor
and the administrative rules review committee determine that an
alternative publication schedule is preferable. The Iowa
administrative bulletin shall contain all of the following:
a. Notices of intended action and adopted rules prepared in
such a manner so that the text of a proposed or adopted rule shows
the text of any existing rule being changed and the change being
b. All proclamations and executive orders of the governor
which are general and permanent in nature.
c. Resolutions nullifying administrative rules passed by the
general assembly pursuant to Article III, section 40 of the
Constitution of the State of Iowa.
d. Other materials deemed fitting and proper by the
administrative rules review committee.
2. In consultation with the administrative rules coordinator, the
administrative code editor shall cause the Iowa administrative code
to be compiled, indexed, and published in accordance with section
2.42 in a form containing all rules adopted and filed by each agency.
The administrative code editor further shall publish supplements to
the Iowa administrative code containing all rules filed for
publication in the prior time period. The administrative code editor
shall devise a uniform numbering system for rules and may renumber
rules before publication to conform with the system.
3. a. The administrative code editor may omit or cause to be
omitted from the Iowa administrative code or bulletin any rule the
publication of which would be unduly cumbersome, expensive or
otherwise inexpedient, if the rule in processed form is made
available on application to the adopting agency at no more than its
cost of reproduction, and if the Iowa administrative code or bulletin
contains a notice stating the specific subject matter of the omitted
rule and stating how a copy of the omitted rule may be obtained.
b. The administrative code editor shall omit or cause to be
omitted from the Iowa administrative code any rule or portion of a
rule nullified by the general assembly pursuant to Article III,
section 40, of the Constitution of the State of Iowa.
4. An agency which adopts standards by reference to another
publication shall purchase and provide a copy of the publication
containing the standards to the administrative rules coordinator who
shall deposit the copy in the state law library where it shall be
made available for inspection and reference.
5. The Iowa administrative code, its supplements, and the Iowa
administrative bulletin shall be made available upon request to all
persons who subscribe to any of them.
6. All expenses incurred by the administrative code editor under
this section shall be defrayed under section 2B.22.
7. The administrative code editor, with the approval of the
administrative rules review committee and the administrative rules
coordinator, may delete a rule from the Iowa administrative code if
the agency that adopted the rule has ceased to exist, no successor
agency has jurisdiction over the rule, and no statutory authority
exists supporting the rule.
8. The Iowa administrative code shall be cited as (agency
identification number) IAC (chapter, rule, subrule, lettered
paragraph, or numbered subparagraph).
9. The Iowa administrative bulletin shall be cited as IAB
(volume), (number), (publication date), (page number), (ARC number).
Section History: Early Form
[C54, 58, 62, 66, § 14.3, 17A.9; C71, 73, § 14.6(5); C75, 77, 79,
81, § 17A.6] Section History: Recent Form
88 Acts, ch 1158, § 2; 89 Acts, ch 296, § 4; 90 Acts, ch 1266,
§34; 91 Acts, ch 42, § 2, 3; 91 Acts, ch 258, § 20; 95 Acts, ch 14, §
1; 96 Acts, ch 1099, §9, 10; 2003 Acts, ch 35, §28, 29, 49; 2003
Acts, ch 145, §141; 2006 Acts, ch 1011, §4; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §201
Referred to in § 2B.13, 2B.17, 17A.4, 89.5, 89A.3, 267.6
See also § 7.17