1. The term "government body" means this state, or any
county, city, township, school corporation, political subdivision,
tax-supported district, nonprofit corporation other than a fair
conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174, whose facilities
or indebtedness are supported in whole or in part with property tax
revenue and which is licensed to conduct pari-mutuel wagering
pursuant to chapter 99D; the governing body of a drainage or levee
district as provided in chapter 468, including a board as defined in
section 468.3, regardless of how the district is organized; or other
entity of this state, or any branch, department, board, bureau,
commission, council, committee, official, or officer of any of the
foregoing or any employee delegated the responsibility for
implementing the requirements of this chapter.
2. The term "lawful custodian" means the government body
currently in physical possession of the public record. The custodian
of a public record in the physical possession of persons outside a
government body is the government body owning that record. The
records relating to the investment of public funds are the property
of the public body responsible for the public funds. Each government
body shall delegate to particular officials or employees of that
government body the responsibility for implementing the requirements
of this chapter and shall publicly announce the particular officials
or employees to whom responsibility for implementing the requirements
of this chapter has been delegated. "Lawful custodian" does not
mean an automated data processing unit of a public body if the data
processing unit holds the records solely as the agent of another
public body, nor does it mean a unit which holds the records of other
public bodies solely for storage.
3. As used in this chapter, "public records" includes all
records, documents, tape, or other information, stored or preserved
in any medium, of or belonging to this state or any county, city,
township, school corporation, political subdivision, nonprofit
corporation other than a fair conducting a fair event as provided in
chapter 174, whose facilities or indebtedness are supported in whole
or in part with property tax revenue and which is licensed to conduct
pari-mutuel wagering pursuant to chapter 99D, or tax-supported
district in this state, or any branch, department, board, bureau,
commission, council, or committee of any of the foregoing.
"Public records" also includes all records relating to the
investment of public funds including but not limited to investment
policies, instructions, trading orders, or contracts, whether in the
custody of the public body responsible for the public funds or a
fiduciary or other third party. Section History: Early Form
[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 68A.1] Section History: Recent Form
84 Acts, ch 1145, § 1; 84 Acts, ch 1185, § 1
C85, § 22.1
90 Acts, ch 1271, §702; 91 Acts, ch 258, § 27; 92 Acts, ch 1156, §
6, 7; 2004 Acts, ch 1019, §2; 2005 Acts, ch 19, §15, 126; 2009 Acts,
ch 132, §2; 2009 Acts, ch 179, §32
Referred to in § 8A.101, 455B.117, 721.1