The state appeal board may investigate and collect claims which
the state has against municipal or political corporations in the
state including counties, cities, townships, and school corporations.
The board shall refer any such claim to the special assistant
attorney general for claims, when the claim has not been promptly
paid, and if the special assistant attorney general for claims is not
able to collect the full amount of the claim, the special assistant
attorney general shall fully investigate and report to the state
appeal board findings of fact and conclusions of law, together with
any recommendation as to the claim. Thereafter the state appeal
board may effect a compromise settlement with the debtor in an amount
and under terms as the board deems just and equitable in view of the
findings and conclusions reported to it. If the state appeal board
is unable to collect a claim in full or effect what it has determined
to be a fair compromise, it shall deliver the claim to the attorney
general for action as the attorney general shall determine and the
special assistant attorney general for claims is specifically charged
with carrying out the directions of the attorney general with
reference to the claim. When a claim is compromised by the state
appeal board, the board shall file with the department of management
and the department of administrative services a statement as to the
settlement, together with a true copy of the agreement of settlement,
and if in settlement an amount less than the face amount is accepted
in full, the proper entries shall be made in the books of the
department of management, the department of administrative services,
and the auditor of state showing the amount of the claim, the amount
of the settlement, and the amount charged off. Section History: Early Form
[C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 25.6] Section History: Recent Form
88 Acts, ch 1134, § 15; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286