As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates
1. "Estimated total cost of a public improvement" or
"estimated total cost" means the estimated total cost to the
governmental entity to construct a public improvement, including cost
of labor, materials, equipment, and supplies, but excluding the cost
of architectural, landscape architectural, or engineering design
services and inspection.
2. "Governmental entity" means the state, political
subdivisions of the state, public school corporations, and all
officers, boards, or commissions empowered by law to enter into
contracts for the construction of public improvements, excluding the
state board of regents and the state department of transportation.
3. "Public improvement" means a building or construction work
which is constructed under the control of a governmental entity and
is paid for in whole or in part with funds of the governmental
entity, including a building or improvement constructed or operated
jointly with any other public or private agency, but excluding urban
renewal demolition and low-rent housing projects, industrial aid
projects authorized under chapter 419, emergency work or repair or
maintenance work performed by employees of a governmental entity, and
excluding a highway, bridge, or culvert project, and excluding
construction or repair or maintenance work performed for a city
utility under chapter 388 by its employees or performed for a rural
water district under chapter 357A by its employees.
4. "Repair or maintenance work" means the preservation of a
building, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or other public facility or
structure so that it remains in sound or proper condition, including
minor replacements and additions as necessary to restore the public
facility or structure to its original condition with the same design.
Section History: Recent Form
2006 Acts, ch 1017, §2, 42, 43; 2007 Acts, ch 144, § 1, 2
Referred to in § 297.7, 314.1A, 314.1B, 331.341, 364.4, 384.20