481A.32 VIOLATIONS -- PENALTIES. Whoever shall take, catch, kill, injure, destroy, have in possession, buy, sell, ship, or transport any frogs, fish, mussels, birds, their nests, eggs, or plumage, fowls, game, or animals or their fur or raw pelt in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of administrative rules of the commission or whoever shall use any device, equipment, seine, trap, net, tackle, firearm, drug, poison, explosive, or other substance or means, the use of which is prohibited by this chapter, or use the same at a time, place, or in a manner or for a purpose prohibited, or do any other act in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of administrative rules of the commission for which no other punishment is provided, is guilty of a simple misdemeanor and shall be assessed a minimum fine of twenty dollars for each offense. Each fish, fowl, bird, bird's nest, egg, or plumage, and animal unlawfully caught, taken, killed, injured, destroyed, possessed, bought, sold, or shipped shall be a separate offense. A person convicted of taking a deer, antelope, moose, buffalo, or elk with a prohibited weapon as defined by rules of the department, is subject to a fine of one hundred dollars for each offense committed while taking the animal with the prohibited weapon. Section History: Early Form [R60, § 4381--4383; C73, § 4048, 4053, 4063; C97, § 2543, 2544, 2551, 2552, 2556, 2558, 2561; S13, § 2547-e, 2551-b, 2561, 2563-a8, -i, -o, -s, -v; SS15, § 2540-a, 2544, 2551, 2552, 2556; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 1789; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 109.32] Section History: Recent Form 88 Acts, ch 1216, § 7, 8 C93, § 481A.32 2002 Acts, ch 1147, §1 Referred to in § 481A.59 See also § 481A.38 and applicable scheduled fine under §805.8B, subsection 3, paragraphs f and g