481A.61 LICENSED GAME BREEDERS -- MARKETING GAME -- PENALTY. 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, a licensed game breeder whose original stock is obtained from a lawful source may possess any game bird, game animal, or fur-bearing animal, or any of their parts. Possession and use of the game birds, game animals, or fur-bearing animals obtained from a licensed game breeder are lawful. 2. Fur-bearing animals shall not be acquired for breeding or propagating purposes from any source unless they have been pen-raised for at least two successive generations. 3. A game breeder's license is not a license to possess, breed, propagate, sell, or dispose of any species which is defined as endangered or threatened under state law unless the species is listed on the license. Its possession, breeding, propagation, sale, and disposal are subject to all applicable state and federal statutes. 4. A licensed game breeder shall not acquire protected live game animals, game birds, their eggs, or fur-bearing animals taken from the wild within this state. 5. Game birds or game animals may be sold for food only under the following conditions: a. The licensed game breeder shall file with the commission a facsimile of a stamp of similar type to that used by the United States department of agriculture in grading meat. b. Licensed game breeders may sell dressed game birds or game animals to markets for resale providing each game bird or game animal has affixed upon it in a conspicuous and legible manner the imprint of the game breeder's stamp. c. The stamp shall bear the name and number of the game breeder in letters of at least twelve point type size. 6. Markets selling stamped game shall: a. Maintain the stamp on each game bird or game animal until the bird or animal is disposed of or sold. b. Keep a record showing the total number of game birds or game animals sold together with the name and address of the game breeder from whom purchased and the number of game birds and animals in each purchase. 7. Markets selling stamped game, together with their records, are subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the commission at any reasonable time. 8. Violation of a provision of this section may be cause for license revocation. Section History: Early Form [C39, § 1794.023; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 109.61] Section History: Recent Form 86 Acts, ch 1245, § 1854; 88 Acts, ch 1216, §20 C93, § 481A.61 Referred to in § 805.8B(3c) For applicable scheduled fines, see §805.8B, subsection 3, paragraph c