670.1 DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. "Governing body" means the council of a city, county board of supervisors, board of township trustees, local school board, and other boards and commissions exercising quasi-legislative, quasi-executive, and quasi-judicial power over territory comprising a municipality. 2. "Municipality" means city, county, township, school district, and any other unit of local government except soil and water conservation districts as defined in section 161A.3, subsection 6. 3. "Officer" includes but is not limited to the members of the governing body. 4. "Tort" means every civil wrong which results in wrongful death or injury to person or injury to property or injury to personal or property rights and includes but is not restricted to actions based upon negligence; error or omission; nuisance; breach of duty, whether statutory or other duty or denial or impairment of any right under any constitutional provision, statute or rule of law. Section History: Early Form [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 613A.1] Section History: Recent Form 86 Acts, ch 1172, § 2; 86 Acts, ch 1238, § 61; 87 Acts, ch 23, §57; 89 Acts, ch 83, §82 C93, § 670.1 Referred to in § 29C.9, 87.4, 455B.448