As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Ballot issue" means a question, other than the nomination
or election of a candidate to a public office, which has been
approved by a political subdivision or the general assembly or is
required by law to be placed before the voters of the political
subdivision by a commissioner of elections, or to be placed before
the voters by the state commissioner of elections.
2. "Board" means the Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure
board established under section 68B.32.
3. "Campaign function" means any meeting related to a
candidate's campaign for election.
4. "Candidate" means any individual who has taken affirmative
action to seek nomination or election to a public office and shall
also include any judge standing for retention in a judicial election.
5. "Candidate's committee" means the committee designated by
the candidate for a state, county, city, or school office to receive
contributions in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the
aggregate, expend funds in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in
the aggregate, or incur indebtedness on behalf of the candidate in
excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate in any
calendar year.
6. "Clearly identified" means that a communication contains
an unambiguous reference to a particular candidate or ballot issue,
including but not limited to one or more of the following:
a. Use of the name of the candidate or ballot issue.
b. Use of a photograph or drawing of the candidate, or the
use of a particular symbol associated with a specific ballot issue.
c. Use of a candidate's initials, nickname, office, or status
as a candidate, or use of acronym, popular name, or characterization
of a ballot issue.
7. "Commissioner" means the county auditor of each county,
who is designated as the county commissioner of elections pursuant to
section 47.2.
8. "Committee" includes a political committee and a
candidate's committee.
9. "Consultant" means a person who provides or procures
services including but not limited to consulting, public relations,
advertising, fundraising, polling, managing or organizing services.
10. a. "Contribution" means:
(1) A gift, loan, advance, deposit, rebate, refund, or transfer
of money or a gift in kind.
(2) The payment, by any person other than a candidate or
political committee, of compensation for the personal services of
another person which are rendered to a candidate or political
committee for any such purpose.
b. "Contribution" shall not include:
(1) Services provided without compensation by individuals
volunteering their time on behalf of a candidate's committee or
political committee or a state or county statutory political
committee except when organized or provided on a collective basis by
a business, trade association, labor union, or any other organized
group or association.
(2) Refreshments served at a campaign function so long as such
refreshments do not exceed fifty dollars in value or transportation
provided to a candidate so long as its value computed at the current
rate of reimbursement allowed under the standard mileage rate method
for computation of business expenses pursuant to the Internal Revenue
Code does not exceed one hundred dollars in value in any one
reporting period.
(3) Something provided to a candidate for the candidate's
personal consumption or use and not intended for or on behalf of the
candidate's committee.
11. "County office" includes the office of drainage district
12. "County statutory political committee" means a committee
as described in section 43.100 that accepts contributions in excess
of seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate, makes expenditures
in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate, or incurs
indebtedness in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the
aggregate in any one calendar year to expressly advocate the
nomination, election, or defeat of a candidate for public office.
13. "Disclosure report" means a statement of contributions
received, expenditures made, and indebtedness incurred on forms
prescribed by rules adopted by the board in accordance with chapter
14. "Express advocacy" or to "expressly advocate" means
communication that can be characterized according to at least one of
the following descriptions:
a. The communication is political speech made in the form of
a contribution.
b. In advocating the election or defeat of one or more
clearly identified candidates or the passage or defeat of one or more
clearly identified ballot issues, the communication includes explicit
words that unambiguously indicate that the communication is
recommending or supporting a particular outcome in the election with
regard to any clearly identified candidate or ballot issue.
15. "Fundraising event" means any campaign function to which
admission is charged or at which goods or services are sold.
16. "National political party" means a party which meets the
definition of a political party established for this state by section
43.2, and which also meets the statutory definition of the term
"political party" or a term of like import in at least twenty-five
other states of the United States.
17. "Person" means, without limitation, any individual,
corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency,
business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, labor
union, or any other legal entity.
18. "Political committee" means either of the following:
a. A committee, but not a candidate's committee, that accepts
contributions in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the
aggregate, makes expenditures in excess of seven hundred fifty
dollars in the aggregate, or incurs indebtedness in excess of seven
hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate in any one calendar year to
expressly advocate the nomination, election, or defeat of a candidate
for public office, or to expressly advocate the passage or defeat of
a ballot issue.
b. An association, lodge, society, cooperative, union,
fraternity, sorority, educational institution, civic organization,
labor organization, religious organization, or professional
organization that accepts contributions in excess of seven hundred
fifty dollars in the aggregate, makes expenditures in excess of seven
hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate, or incurs indebtedness in
excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate in any one
calendar year to expressly advocate the nomination, election, or
defeat of a candidate for public office, or to expressly advocate the
passage or defeat of a ballot issue.
19. "Political purpose" or "political purposes" means the
express advocacy of a candidate or ballot issue.
20. "Public office" means any state, county, city, or school
office filled by election.
21. "State income tax liability" means the state individual
income tax imposed under section 422.5, less the amounts of
nonrefundable credits allowed under chapter 422, division II.
22. "State statutory political committee" means a committee
as defined in section 43.111. Section History: Early Form
[C75, 77, 79, 81, § 56.2; 81 Acts, ch 35, § 1, 2] Section History: Recent Form
83 Acts, ch 139, § 2, 14; 86 Acts, ch 1023, § 1; 87 Acts, ch 112,
§ 1, 2; 91 Acts, ch 226, § 1; 92 Acts, ch 1228, § 22--24; 93 Acts, ch
142, § 1--3; 93 Acts, ch 163, § 28--30, 38; 94 Acts, ch 1023, §80; 94
Acts, ch 1180, §31, 32; 95 Acts, ch 198, §1, 2; 99 Acts, ch 136, §1,
2, 17; 2002 Acts, ch 1073, §1, 2, 11; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §124; 2003
Acts, ch 40, § 9
CS2003, § 68A.102
2005 Acts, ch 72, §3, 4; 2006 Acts, ch 1158, §2; 2007 Acts, ch 14,
§1; 2008 Acts, ch 1031, § 84
Referred to in § 43.18, 43.67, 44.3, 45.3, 68A.201, 68A.402,
99B.7, 99F.6
"State commissioner" defined, § 39.3