1. All statements and reports required to be filed under this
chapter shall be filed with the board as provided in section 68A.402,
subsection 1. The board shall post on its internet website all
statements and reports filed under this chapter. For purposes of
this section, the term "statement" does not include a bank
a. A candidate's committee of a candidate for statewide
office or the general assembly shall file all statements and reports
in an electronic format by 4:30 p.m. of the day the filing is due and
according to rules adopted by the board. Any other candidate or
political committee may submit the statements and reports in an
electronic format as prescribed by rule.
b. If the board determines that a violation of this
subsection has occurred, the board may impose any of the remedies or
penalties provided for under section 68B.32D, except that the board
shall not refer any complaint or supporting information of a
violation of this section to the attorney general or any county
attorney for prosecution.
2. The board shall retain filed statements and reports for at
least five years from the date of the election in which the committee
is involved, or at least five years from the certified date of
dissolution of the committee, whichever date is later.
3. The candidate of a candidate's committee, or the chairperson
of any other committee, is responsible for filing statements and
reports under this chapter. The board shall send notice to a
committee that has failed to file a disclosure report at the time
required under section 68A.402. A candidate of a candidate's
committee, or the chairperson of any other committee, may be subject
to a civil penalty for failure to file a disclosure report required
under section 68A.402.
4. Political committees expressly advocating the nomination,
election, or defeat of candidates for both federal office and any
elected office created by law or the Constitution of the State of
Iowa shall file statements and reports with the board in addition to
any federal reports required to be filed with the board. However, a
political committee that is registered and filing full disclosure
reports of all financial activities with the federal election
commission may file verified statements as provided in section
68A.201. Section History: Early Form
[S13, § 1137-a1, -a3; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 974, 975; C46,
50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, § 56.3, 56.4; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 56.4; 81
Acts, ch 35, § 4] Section History: Recent Form
87 Acts, ch 112, § 4; 93 Acts, ch 163, § 33; 95 Acts, ch 198, §4;
99 Acts, ch 136, §3, 17; 2002 Acts, ch 1073, §3, 11; 2003 Acts, ch
40, §9; 2003 Acts, ch 44, §28
CS2003, §68A.401
2007 Acts, ch 14, §5; 2007 Acts, ch 80, §1, 2, 5
Referred to in § 68A.402, 68A.403 Footnotes
2007 amendment adding paragraphs a and b to subsection 1 applies
to committees that file a statement of organization on or after
January 1, 2010, and to all committees, regardless of when they file
statements of organization, on January 1, 2012; 2007 Acts, ch 80, §5
For future amendment to subsection 1, paragraph a, effective May
1, 2010, see 2009 Acts, ch 8, §1, 2