1. The persons specified in subsection 2 shall file a financial
statement at times and in the manner provided in this section that
contains all of the following:
a. A list of each business, occupation, or profession in
which the person is engaged and the nature of that business,
occupation, or profession, unless already apparent.
b. A list of any other sources of income if the source
produces more than one thousand dollars annually in gross income.
Such sources of income listed pursuant to this paragraph may be
listed under any of the following categories, or under any other
categories as may be established by rule:
(1) Securities.
(2) Instruments of financial institutions.
(3) Trusts.
(4) Real estate.
(5) Retirement systems.
(6) Other income categories specified in state and federal income
tax regulations.
2. The financial statement required by this section shall be
filed by the following persons:
a. Any statewide elected official.
b. The executive or administrative head or heads of any
agency of state government.
c. The deputy executive or administrative head or heads of an
agency of state government.
d. The head of a major subunit of a department or independent
state agency whose position involves a substantial exercise of
administrative discretion or the expenditure of public funds as
defined under rules adopted by the board, pursuant to chapter 17A, in
consultation with the department or agency.
e. Members of the state banking council, the ethics and
campaign disclosure board, the credit union review board, the
economic development board, the employment appeal board, the
environmental protection commission, the health facilities council,
the Iowa finance authority, the Iowa public employees' retirement
system investment board, the board of the Iowa lottery authority, the
natural resource commission, the board of parole, the petroleum
underground storage tank fund board, the public employment relations
board, the state racing and gaming commission, the state board of
regents, the tax review board, the transportation commission, the
office of consumer advocate, the utilities board, the Iowa
telecommunications and technology commission, and any full-time
members of other boards and commissions as defined under section 7E.4
who receive an annual salary for their service on the board or
commission. The Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board shall
conduct an annual review to determine if members of any other board,
commission, or authority should file a statement and shall require
the filing of a statement pursuant to rules adopted pursuant to
chapter 17A.
f. Members of the general assembly.
g. Candidates for state office.
h. Legislative employees who are the head or deputy head of a
legislative agency or whose position involves a substantial exercise
of administrative discretion or the expenditure of public funds.
3. The board, in consultation with each executive department or
independent agency, shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to
implement the requirements of this section that provide for the time
and manner for the filing of financial statements by persons in the
department or independent agency.
4. The ethics committee of each house of the general assembly
shall recommend rules for adoption by each house for the time and
manner for the filing of financial statements by members or employees
of the particular house. The legislative council shall adopt rules
for the time and manner for the filing of financial statements by
legislative employees of the central legislative staff agencies. The
rules shall provide for the filing of the financial statements with
either the chief clerk of the house, the secretary of the senate, or
other appropriate person or body.
5. a. A candidate for statewide office shall file a financial
statement with the ethics and campaign disclosure board, a candidate
for the office of state representative shall file a financial
statement with the chief clerk of the house of representatives, and a
candidate for the office of state senator shall file a financial
statement with the secretary of the senate. Statements shall contain
information concerning the year preceding the year in which the
election is to be held.
b. The ethics and campaign disclosure board shall adopt rules
pursuant to chapter 17A providing for the filing of the financial
statements with the board and for the deposit, retention, and
availability of the financial statements. The ethics committees of
the house of representatives and the senate shall recommend rules for
adoption by the respective houses providing for the filing of the
financial statements with the chief clerk of the house or the
secretary of the senate and for the deposit, retention, and
availability of the financial statements. Rules adopted shall also
include a procedure for notification of candidates of the duty to
file disclosure statements under this section. Section History: Recent Form
92 Acts, ch 1228, § 17; 93 Acts, ch 163, § 21; 94 Acts, ch 1092,
§9; 96 Acts, ch 1200, §2; 2001 Acts, ch 61, §12; 2003 Acts, ch 178,
§100, 121; 2003 Acts, ch 179, §142; 2004 Acts, ch 1091, §11; 2004
Acts, ch 1141, §34; 2009 Acts, ch 9, §5
Referred to in § 68B.3, 68B.32, 68B.34