1. Salaries specifically provided for in an appropriation Act of
the general assembly shall be in lieu of existing statutory salaries,
for the positions provided for in the Act, and all salaries,
including longevity where applicable by express provision in the
Code, shall be paid according to the provisions of chapter 91A and
shall be in full compensation of all services, including any service
on committees, boards, commissions or similar duty for Iowa
government, except for members of the general assembly. A state
employee on an annual salary shall not be paid for a pay period an
amount which exceeds the employee's annual salary transposed into a
rate applicable to the pay period by dividing the annual salary by
the number of pay periods in the fiscal year. Salaries for state
employees covered by the overtime payment provisions of the federal
Fair Labor Standards Act shall be established on an hourly basis.
2. a. All employees of the state earn two weeks' vacation per
year during the first year of employment and through the fourth year
of employment, and three weeks' vacation per year during the fifth
and through the eleventh year of employment, and four weeks' vacation
per year during the twelfth year through the nineteenth year of
employment, and four and four-tenths weeks' vacation per year during
the twentieth year through the twenty-fourth year of employment, and
five weeks' vacation per year during the twenty-fifth year and all
subsequent years of employment, with pay. One week of vacation is
equal to the number of hours in the employee's normal workweek.
Vacation allowances accrue according to chapter 91A as provided by
the rules of the department of administrative services.
b. The vacations shall be granted at the discretion and
convenience of the head of the department, agency, or commission,
except that an employee shall not be granted vacation in excess of
the amount earned by the employee. Vacation leave earned under this
subsection shall not be cumulated to an amount in excess of twice the
employee's annual rate of accrual. The head of the department,
agency, or commission shall make every reasonable effort to schedule
vacation leave sufficient to prevent any loss of entitlements.
c. (1) If the employment of an employee of the state is
terminated, the provisions of chapter 91A relating to the termination
(2) If the termination of employment is by reason of the death of
the employee, the vacation allowance shall be paid to the estate of
the deceased employee if the estate is opened for probate. If an
estate is not opened, the allowance shall be paid to the surviving
spouse, if any, or to the legal heirs if no spouse survives.
3. Payments authorized by this section shall be approved by the
department subject to rules of the department of administrative
services and paid from the appropriation or fund of original
certification of the claim.
4. Effective July 1, 2006, permanent full-time and permanent
part-time employees of state departments, boards, agencies, and
commissions shall accrue sick leave as provided in this subsection
which shall be credited to the employee's sick leave account. The
sick leave accrual rate for part-time employees shall be prorated to
the accrual rate for full-time employees. The sick leave accrual
rate for each complete month of full-time employment, excluding
employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement which
provides for a different rate of accrual, shall be as follows:
a. For employees of the state board of regents, one and
one-half days.
b. For employees who are peace officers employed within the
department of public safety or department of natural resources and
who are not covered under a collective bargaining agreement, the rate
shall be the same as the rate provided under the state police
officers council collective bargaining agreement.
c. For all other employees, the rate shall be as follows:
(1) If the employee's accrued sick leave balance is seven hundred
fifty hours or less, one and one-half days.
(2) If the employee's accrued sick leave balance is one thousand
five hundred hours or less but more than seven hundred fifty hours,
one day.
(3) If the employee's accrued sick leave balance is more than one
thousand five hundred hours, one-half day.
5. Sick leave shall not accrue during any period of absence
without pay. Employees may use accrued sick leave for physical or
mental personal illness, bodily injury, medically related
disabilities, including disabilities resulting from pregnancy and
childbirth, or contagious disease, which result in any of the
a. The employee's confinement is required.
b. The employee is rendered unable to perform assigned
c. The performance of assigned duties would jeopardize the
employee's health or recovery.
6. Except as provided in section 70A.23, all unused accrued sick
leave in an employee's sick leave account is canceled upon the
employee's separation from state employment. However, if an employee
is laid off and the employee is reemployed by any state department,
board, agency, or commission within one year of the date of the
layoff, accrued sick leave of the employee shall be restored.
7. State employees, excluding state board of regents' faculty
members with nine-month appointments, and employees covered under a
collective bargaining agreement negotiated with the public safety
bargaining unit who are eligible for accrued vacation benefits and
accrued sick leave benefits, who have accumulated thirty days of sick
leave, and who do not use sick leave during a full month of
employment may elect to have up to one-half day of additional
vacation added to the employee's accrued vacation account. The
additional vacation time added to an employee's accrued vacation
account for not using sick leave during a month is in lieu of the
accrual of sick leave for that month. The amount of additional
vacation for part-time employees shall be prorated to the amount of
additional vacation authorized for full-time employees. The director
of the department of administrative services may adopt the necessary
rules and procedures for the implementation of this program for all
state employees except employees of the state board of regents. The
state board of regents may adopt necessary rules for the
implementation of this program for its employees.
8. The head of any department, agency, or commission, subject to
rules of the department of administrative services, may grant an
educational leave to employees for whom the head of the department,
agency, or commission is responsible pursuant to section 70A.25 and
funds appropriated by the general assembly may be used for this
purpose. The head of the department, agency, or commission shall
notify the legislative council and the director of the department of
administrative services of all educational leaves granted within
fifteen days of the granting of the educational leave. If the head
of a department, agency, or commission fails to notify the
legislative council and the director of the department of
administrative services of an educational leave, the expenditure of
funds appropriated by the general assembly for the educational leave
shall not be allowed.
9. A specific annual salary rate or annual salary adjustment
commencing with a fiscal year shall commence on July 1 except that if
a pay period overlaps two fiscal years, a specific annual salary rate
or annual salary adjustment shall commence with the first day of a
pay period as specified by the general assembly. Section History: Early Form
[C73, § 3780; C97, § 1289; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 1218; C46,
50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 79.1; 81 Acts, ch 20, §
2] Section History: Recent Form
85 Acts, ch 215, §1; 86 Acts, ch 1244, § 13; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §
231, 232; 87 Acts, ch 227, § 16; 89 Acts, ch 303, §17
C93, § 70A.1
97 Acts, ch 28, §7; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2006 Acts, ch 1020,
§1; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §201
Referred to in § 1C.2, 8A.413, 70A.32, 218.17, 602.1401, 602.11102
Paid holidays; §1C.2