1. The commissioner shall employ personnel as may be required to
properly discharge the duties of the department.
2. The commissioner may delegate to the peace officers of the
department such additional duties in the enforcement of this chapter
as the commissioner may deem proper and incidental to the duties now
imposed upon them by law.
3. a. The salaries of peace officers and employees of the
department and the expenses of the department shall be provided for
by a legislative appropriation. The compensation of peace officers
of the department shall be fixed according to grades as to rank and
length of service by the commissioner with the approval of the
department of administrative services, unless covered by a collective
bargaining agreement that provides otherwise.
b. The peace officers shall be paid additional compensation
in accordance with the following formula: When peace officers have
served for a period of five years, their compensation then being paid
shall be increased by the sum of twenty-five dollars per month
beginning with the month succeeding the foregoing described five-year
period; when peace officers have served for a period of ten years,
their compensation then being paid shall be increased by the sum of
twenty-five dollars per month beginning with the month succeeding the
foregoing described ten-year period, such sums being in addition to
the increase provided herein to be paid after five years of service;
when peace officers have served for a period of fifteen years, their
compensation then being paid shall be increased by the sum of
twenty-five dollars per month beginning with the month succeeding the
foregoing described fifteen-year period, such sums being in addition
to the increases previously provided for herein; when peace officers
have served for a period of twenty years, their compensation then
being paid shall be increased by the sum of twenty-five dollars per
month beginning with the month succeeding the foregoing described
twenty-year period, such sums being in addition to the increases
previously provided for herein.
c. While on active duty, each peace officer shall also
receive a flat daily sum as fixed by the commissioner for meals
unless the amount of the flat daily sum is covered by a collective
bargaining agreement that provides otherwise.
d. A collective bargaining agreement entered into between the
state and a state employee organization under chapter 20 made final
after July 1, 1977, shall not include any pay adjustment to longevity
pay authorized under this section.
e. Peace officers of the department excluded from the
provisions of chapter 20 who are injured in the line of duty shall
receive paid time off in the same manner as provided to peace
officers of the department covered by a collective bargaining
agreement entered into between the state and the employee
organization representing such covered peace officers under chapter
20. Section History: Early Form
[C27, 31, § 5017-a1; C35, § 5018-g9; C39, § 1225.12; C46, 50,
54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 80.8] Section History: Recent Form
98 Acts, ch 1074, § 5; 2001 Acts, ch 10, §1; 2001 Acts, ch 190,
§18; 2005 Acts, ch 35, §3; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §166
Referred to in § 97A.1