1. Persons fourteen and fifteen years of age may not be employed
a. Any manufacturing occupation.
b. Any mining occupation.
c. Processing occupations, except in a retail, food service,
or gasoline service establishment in those specific occupations
expressly permitted under the provisions of section 92.5.
d. Occupations requiring the performance of any duties in
workrooms or work places where goods are manufactured, mined, or
otherwise processed, except to the extent expressly permitted in
retail, food service, or gasoline service establishments under the
provisions of section 92.5.
e. Public messenger service.
f. Operation or tending of hoisting apparatus or of any
power-driven machinery, other than office machines and machines in
retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments which are
specified in section 92.5 as machines which such minors may operate
in such establishments.
g. Occupations prohibited by rules adopted pursuant to
chapter 17A by the labor commissioner.
h. Occupations in connection with the following, except
office or sales work in connection with these occupations, not
performed on transportation media or at the actual construction site:
(1) Transportation of persons or property by rail, highway, air,
on water, pipeline, or other means.
(2) Warehousing and storage.
(3) Communications and public utilities.
(4) Construction, including repair.
i. Any of the following occupations in a retail, food
service, or gasoline service establishment:
(1) Work performed in or about boiler or engine rooms.
(2) Work in connection with maintenance or repair of the
establishment, machines, or equipment.
(3) Outside window washing that involves working from window
sills, and all work requiring the use of ladders, scaffolds, or their
(4) Cooking except at soda fountains, lunch counters, snack bars,
or cafeteria serving counters, and baking.
(5) Occupations which involve operating, setting up, adjusting,
cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicers and
grinders, food choppers and cutters, and bakery-type mixers.
(6) Work in freezers and meat coolers and all work in preparation
of meats for sale, except wrapping, sealing, labeling, weighing,
pricing, and stocking when performed in other areas.
(7) Loading and unloading goods to and from trucks, railroad
cars, or conveyors.
(8) All occupations in warehouses except office and clerical
2. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting
office, errand, or packaging work when done away from moving
machinery. Section History: Early Form
[SS15, § 2477-a, -b, -c; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 1526, 1529,
1536, 1539; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, § 92.1, 92.4, 92.11, 92.14;
C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 92.6] Section History: Recent Form
86 Acts, ch 1245, § 923; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, § 201