1. All peace officer members of the division of state patrol and
the division of criminal investigation or the predecessor divisions
or subunits in the department of public safety, excepting the members
of the clerical force, who are employed by the state of Iowa on July
4, 1949, and all persons thereafter employed as members of such
divisions or the predecessor divisions or subunits in the department
of public safety or division of narcotics enforcement or division of
state fire marshal or the predecessor divisions or subunits, except
the members of the clerical force, shall be members of this system,
except as otherwise provided in subsection 3. Effective July 1,
1994, gaming enforcement officers employed by the division of
criminal investigation for excursion boat and gambling structure
gambling enforcement activities and fire prevention inspector peace
officers employed by the department of public safety shall be members
of this system, except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 or
section 97B.42B. Such members shall not be required to make
contributions under any other pension or retirement system of the
state of Iowa, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. Should any member in any period of five consecutive years
after last becoming a member, be absent from service for more than
four years, or should a member become a beneficiary or die, the
person shall thereupon cease to be a member of this system.
3. a. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise
requires, "reemployed" or "reemployment" means the employment
of a person in a position which would otherwise be included as a
membership position under subsection 1, after the person has
commenced receiving a service retirement allowance under section
b. If a person is reemployed, the person shall not become an
active member of the system upon reemployment, and the person so
reemployed and the state of Iowa shall not make contributions to the
system based upon the person's compensation for reemployment. A
person who is so reemployed shall continue to receive the service
retirement allowance, and the service retirement allowance shall not
be recalculated based upon the person's reemployment.
Notwithstanding section 97B.1A or any other provision of law to the
contrary, a person reemployed as provided in this subsection shall be
exempt from chapter 97B.
4. Effective July 1, 1979, a person shall not become a member of
the system unless that person has passed the physical and mental
examination given under the provisions of section 80.15 and unless
that person has received a diploma for satisfactory completion of a
training school held pursuant to the provisions of section 80.13. Section History: Early Form
[C50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 97A.3] Section History: Recent Form
92 Acts, ch 1232, §505; 94 Acts, ch 1183, §3; 98 Acts, ch 1100, §
12; 98 Acts, ch 1183, §82; 2005 Acts, ch 35, §23; 2006 Acts, ch 1010,
§48; 2007 Acts, ch 188, §1
Referred to in § 97A.1, 97A.6, 97D.3