1. Except as permitted in this section, the licensee shall permit
no form of wagering on the results of the races.
2. Licensees shall only permit the pari-mutuel or certificate
method of wagering as defined in this section.
3. The licensee may receive wagers of money only from a person
present in a licensed racetrack enclosure on a horse or dog in the
race selected by the person making the wager to finish first in the
race. The person wagering shall acquire an interest in the total
money wagered on all horses or dogs in the race as first winners in
proportion to the amount of money wagered by the person.
4. The licensee shall issue to each person wagering a certificate
on which shall be shown the number of the race, the amount wagered,
and the number or name of the horse or dog selected as first winner.
5. As each race is run the licensee shall deduct sixteen percent
from the total sum wagered on all horses or dogs as first winners.
However, the commission shall authorize at the request of the
licensee a deduction of a higher or lower percentage of the total sum
wagered not to exceed eighteen percent and the additional deduction
shall be retained by the licensee. The balance, after deducting
breakage, shall be paid to the holders of certificates on the winning
horse or dog in the proportion that the amount wagered by each
certificate holder bears to the total amount wagered on all horses or
dogs in the race as first winners. The licensee may pay a larger
amount if approved by the commission. The licensee shall likewise
receive other wagers on horses or dogs in places or combinations the
commission may authorize. The method, procedure, and the authority
and right of the licensee, as well as the deduction allowed to the
licensee, shall be as specified with respect to wagers upon horses or
dogs selected to run first. However, the commission shall authorize
at the request of the licensee a deduction of a higher or lower
percent of the total sum wagered not to exceed twenty-four percent on
multiple or exotic wagering involving not more than two horses or
dogs. The deduction authorized above twenty percent on the multiple
or exotic wagering involving not more than two dogs or horses shall
be retained by the licensee. For exotic wagering involving three or
more horses or dogs, the commission shall authorize at the request of
the licensee a deduction of a higher or lower percent of the total
sum wagered not to exceed twenty-five percent on the exotic wagers.
The additional deduction authorized above twenty-two percent on the
multiple or exotic wagers involving more than two horses or dogs
shall be retained by the licensee. One percent of the exotic wagers
on three or more horses or dogs shall be distributed as provided in
section 99D.12.
6. a. All wagering shall be conducted within the racetrack
enclosure where the licensed race is held, except as provided in
paragraph "b".
b. The commission may authorize the licensee to
simultaneously telecast within the racetrack enclosure, for the
purpose of pari-mutuel wagering, a horse or dog race licensed by the
racing authority of another state. It is the responsibility of each
licensee to obtain the consent of appropriate racing officials in
other states as required by the federal Interstate Horseracing Act of
1978, 15 U.S.C. § 3001-3007, to televise races for the purpose of
conducting pari-mutuel wagering. A licensee may also obtain the
permission of a person licensed by the commission to conduct horse or
dog races in this state to televise races conducted by that person
for the purpose of conducting pari-mutuel racing. However,
arrangements made by a licensee to televise any race for the purpose
of conducting pari-mutuel wagering are subject to the approval of the
commission, and the commission shall select the races to be
televised. The races selected by the commission shall be the same
for all licensees approved by the commission to televise races for
the purpose of conducting pari-mutuel wagering. The commission shall
not authorize the simultaneous telecast or televising of and a
licensee shall not simultaneously telecast or televise any horse or
dog race for the purpose of conducting pari-mutuel wagering unless
the simultaneous telecast or televising is done at the racetrack of a
licensee that schedules no less than sixty performances of nine live
races each day of the season. For purposes of the taxes imposed
under this chapter, races televised by a licensee for purposes of
pari-mutuel wagering shall be treated as if the races were held at
the racetrack of the licensee. Notwithstanding any contrary
provision in this chapter, the commission may allow a licensee to
adopt the same deductions as those of the pari-mutuel racetrack from
which the races are being simultaneously telecast.
7. A person under the age of twenty-one years shall not make or
attempt to make a pari-mutuel wager. A person who violates this
subsection commits a scheduled violation under section 805.8C,
subsection 5, paragraph "a". Section History: Recentrm
83 Acts, ch 187, § 11; 84 Acts, ch 1266, § 11--13; 89 Acts, ch
216, §1; 90 Acts, ch 1175, § 5; 90 Acts, ch 1261, § 31; 91 Acts, ch
166, §2, 3; 92 Acts, ch 1163, §23; 92 Acts, ch 1203, § 3, 4; 92 Acts,
ch 1207, §1; 94 Acts, ch 1021, §3, 4; 96 Acts, ch 1211, § 32; 2004
Acts, ch 1136, §12; 2005 Acts, ch 3, §25; 2009 Acts, ch 88, §1
Referred to in § 99D.2, 99D.9, 99D.10, 99D.13, 99D.16, 99D.24,